The Fresno Grizzlies put the ‘minor league’ in the minor leagues.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: What were they thinking?
This is the darkness that is descending. Read more →
Why do people so hate the media? This is why.
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The awards for biggest breast, biggest rear end, and thinnest body were handed out at last spring’s award before the American Civil Liberties Union sent a formal letter to Tremper High School today warning that it might sue for sexual harassment. Read more →

Jalen Johnson, one of the nation’s best high school basketball players, went to the free-throw line Wednesday night for his suburban Milwaukee team when Port Washington fans tried to distract him by holding and waving posters with his image.
They appeared to show him wearing blackface, which is odd because Johnson is African American. Read more →

The school’s principal called the sign ‘deeply offensive’ but won’t talk about any punishment for the students because of privacy concerns.
It might not be a bad idea to go over the history curriculum, though. Read more →

KTTC, the Rochester TV station, has some explaining to do if it wants to restore the credibility it lost when a news anchor wore a Make America Great Again hat during a live shot at President Trump’s appearance in Rochester.
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In Russia, nothing sells burgers like a promotion offering free Whoppers to women who agree to get impregnated by soccer players in the World Cup.
Burger King has now apologized for the promotion. Read more →

It’s good for Kaitlyn Strom that on the day a picture circulated of her with her head stuck in a tailpipe of a pickup truck, the world’s attention was diverted by a raccoon doing raccoon things. Read more →
Maybe it’s time to dial back prom a little bit. Read more →
Many people in the media get a fair amount of feedback from the audience that’s fair game. Women in media, particularly women in TV news, are treated horribly by — wait for it — men. What are you thinking, fellas? Read more →
The Brainerd Dispatch reports that mostly boys — big shock — are mimicking ‘obscene and disturbing behavior’ in the video series. Symptoms apparent include Jeffy’s signature moves of fondling his crotch and humping a box of Cheerios.
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Some couples are able to sell their possessions and sail into the sunset. Some couples aren’t. Read more →
Some Facebook users reached a new low today — even for Facebook users — when someone thought it was a good idea to post the image of a man in St. Paul who took his own life.
The St. Paul Police Department — and cops see the worst in us every day — was shocked at the callousness toward a man who had lived with mental health issues.
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When the kids at Brainerd High School voted in a mock election last November, Donald Trump crushed Hillary Clinton. So the reaction this week to a comment in the high school yearbook shouldn’t be at all surprising. Read more →