An 18-year-old girl in St. Peter has proven that she does not deserve to drive a motor vehicle on Minnesota roads, based on a report from the Minnesota State Patrol on Facebook today. Not now. Perhaps, not ever. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
People are jerks

Just as sure as spring is going to come and ice is going to melt, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources will call out the pigs who leave their garbage behind after being required to remove their ice houses for the season. Read more →
If you live east of St. Paul you have to really be committed to mass transit to ride mass transit, given the hurdles one has to jump over to use what little there is — like having your car towed from an official park and ride for no good reason. Read more →
The horrible story out of Staples, Minn., is a major test of the ability of us to forgive. Read more →
There are really only two kinds of dog owners: humans and pigs.
A walk — any walk — reveals this fact with the number of dog droppings that weren’t picked up. How hard can this be?
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‘If you want to live in a province that protects its children, occasionally you have to roll over in bed and check your phone,’ a columnist in Toronto writes in response. Read more →

In a decent society, you ought to be able to go to work without seeing a racist message spraypainted on your business when you get there.
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Appropriately, the man was wearing a brown shirt. Read more →
We all know the type. Flies on frequent flyer miles. Has to wait to get a seat assignment that puts her in the middle seat, talks loudly on the cellphone so everyone know the details of her victimization. Read more →

Well, isn’t this sweet. Someone left a tip for a server at a sports bar in Sioux Falls on Saturday night and the message came through loud and clear. Read more →

Cody Parkey missed a field goal (officially a blocked kick) on Sunday night that would have sent his team deeper into the NFL playoffs, and people wanted him dead. They literally wanted him to die. Read more →

It doesn’t take much to guess the exact wording Nichole Parsons used on her sign on her dorm window indicating that Nazis aren’t welcome on the University of Massachusetts campus in Amherst, but the focus on poor wording falls on the campus official who suggested she take it down. Read more →
A family that produces a Christmas light show on their Chaska cul-de-sac, is threatening to pull the plug unless party buses stay away. Read more →

You may recall Kate McClure’s story is her car broke down on a Philadelphia highway when it ran out of gas. Bobbitt, a homeless man who was once in the Marines, gave her the only money he had. Her GoFundMe campaign on his behalf raised a fortune, which he said the couple kept mostly for themselves. Prosecutors will reportedly announce today that all three were in on the scam. Read more →

Everybody loves Jessie Diggins. Except for one knucklehead in Afton, apparently, who tried to kill her on Sunday morning, she writes for all the nation to see. Read more →