It’s 2019 and if high school students in Chaska are still dabbling in blackface, Chaska has some racist students. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news

A rat and an aardvark got married in a cartoon and that’s too hot to handle for the children of Alabama.
That’s pretty much 2019 in a nutshell. Read more →

Some members of the Minnesota Legislature and political allies had their feelings hurt by strident signs from teachers imploring them to get it together in the final days of a do-little legislative session.
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For the most part, commencement speakers are a pretty forgettable lot. They might be good for a few laughs but within a few months, they become a trivia question.
Suffice it to say, though, the Morehouse College seniors are not going to forget their commencement speaker. Read more →
Allison Birkemeier proves again that teachers are awesome. She came up with the letter writing idea while visiting the retirement home. She said some of her students didn’t know how to write letters. And they’ve never gotten anything in the mail, she told the Omaha World Herald. Read more →

Gina Warren, 18, a graduating senior at at Teays Valley High School in Ashville, Ohio, has proven that she’s fully ready to take on the world.
You ready, world? Read more →
Why do some children survive the very worst life can throw at them and some don’t? Quite often, it’s one person who gives a damn. Read more →
That Katharine Gerbner feared retaliation if she’d said something before getting tenure is a commentary on top of her commentary. Read more →
You’ll want to check the calendar — spoiler alert: it’s 2019 — while reading the St. Paul Pioneer Press story about a teacher in the city school system who thought it acceptable — if only for a moment — to use the ‘N word’ in polite conversation. Read more →
The Republican majority in the Minnesota Senate, with the help of a few DFLers — is trying to strip money from the Society in retaliation for its decision to add a single word to a sign for the Fort Snelling Historical Site Read more →

Autherine Lucy Foster was able to walk onto the campus of the University of Alabama in 1956, four years after she applied for admission, igniting a legal battle. Three days later, she was expelled. Read more →
James Callahan, 43, a teacher in Lowell, Mass., apparently didn’t understand a lot of what his students were saying when he started a list, which, in the last week or so, has been a Twitter hit. He started a dictionary of Generation Z language. Read more →
Nothing. Read more →
Rumors swept through the northwest Minnesota town on Thursday that the high school had banned the American flag, No, it didn’t.
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This is a tough time to be a young teacher in Minnesota’s school districts. It’s pink slip time, when your bosses get to suggest in public you’re not good enough for them but they can’t or won’t say exactly why. Read more →