Marshall High School’s stalling strategy against Waseca in Minnesota’s Section 2AAA tournament on Tuesday night made for an ugly game, for many reasons. Read more →
Marshall High School’s stalling strategy against Waseca in Minnesota’s Section 2AAA tournament on Tuesday night made for an ugly game, for many reasons. Read more →
I’m not a great Supreme Court watcher, but when you see ‘(laughter)’ in the transcript during your arguments, it probably is not a good thing. Read more →
Look at these beautiful faces, who came to the United States from all different situations from all around the planet and today became American citizens in one of two ceremonies at the Fitzgerald Theatre in St. Paul. Read more →
Watch the video and, after your heart stops racing, you’ll have a little better appreciation of the people who run toward danger while you’re running away. Read more →
People vote with their feet and big chains continue to squeeze the life out of communities because that’s the choice people have made. Years from now, they’ll remember how great things used to be and wonder how it is those times disappeared. Read more →
This is not a Confederate flag. Read more →
Irony. Because someone drove drunk, a sheriff dies. Because of alcohol, his wife does too. Read more →
Here are the topics and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
The problem with rankings of states on overall factors is it allows us to be comfortable in our lofty second-place ranking while pretending that there isn’t a Minnesota that isn’t a good place to live. Read more →
It was good to catch up with some old classmates at my high school class’ 45th reunion a few months ago.
The usual reunion discussions included one unique to my generation: What happened to the baby that girls gave up under tremendous pressure in high school? Read more →
For sure, it’s become easier for people to talk about providing access to mental health care, too often talk is all it is. Politicians are failing Minnesotans on this issue and failing big. It’s a testament to the resiliency of people that some of them can navigate the roadblocks and fear that exists and get the help they need.
So Brian Murphy’s story should at least provide inspiration that it’s possible. Read more →
The politicians of Georgia, ticked off that Delta has joined the list of companies that have cancelled discounts to members of the National Rifle Association, have unwittingly revealed what a giveaway unnecessary tax breaks to corporations are. Read more →
Here are the topics and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
When’s the last time you used a pencil? When’s the last time you used a keyboard?
What’s the problem, again? Read more →
Keep this in mind, Minnesota. Your flood season is coming. Read more →