It didn’t occur to me to wonder whatever happened to Johnny Whetzel. For months, the post sat there. Just waiting. Until a couple of weeks ago when I received a note from Amanda Kerns, of parts unknown. She’s Johnny’s daughter. Read more →
It didn’t occur to me to wonder whatever happened to Johnny Whetzel. For months, the post sat there. Just waiting. Until a couple of weeks ago when I received a note from Amanda Kerns, of parts unknown. She’s Johnny’s daughter. Read more →
Steve Robson wrote last week about his days as an intern in in the central Queensland city of Rockhampton.
He tried to take his own life and he unburdened himself last week from his shame of not using his experience to help others.
In so doing, he learned a startling truth. Read more →
Whenever I feel sad — and there is plenty to feel sad about right now — I look to the world’s most perfect creature. What would dog do? They would jump in leaves, that’s what. Read more →
Some guy tried to assassinate people this week. A woman played Cinderella to make a kid happy. Both remind us as individuals that we can be better.
Logically, what do we have to lose? Read more →
It turns out the hamburglar is a dog named Princess. Read more →
Thanksgiving would not be the same without Dorcas Reilly. Reilly, who worked for years in the Campbell Soup kitchens, created the green bean casserole — a Thanksgiving staple on hundreds (if not thousands) of dinner tables across Minnesota. Reilly, according to the Associated Press, died last week at the age of 92 of Alzheimer’s disease Read more →
North Dakotans will vote soon on Measure 3: a proposed law to legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older while expunging convictions for marijuana-related crimes.
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School officials are investigating racist messages left on a freshman’s door room door. Read more →
Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
Barry Levenson, a Massachusetts native, developed a love affair with mustard, and then a Wisconsin mustard museum, thanks to Bill Buckner’s inability to pick up a baseball in the 1986 World Series. Yes, it’s complicated. Read more →
Western Wisconsin’s Hudson Star-Observer says it will no longer publish hate letters, “letters that threaten or that incite crimes including violence against anyone and for any reason. Period.” Read more →
Since the last big election, few news stories have concentrated on who’s needed to elect people to office these days: people who don’t bother voting — the people who believe their lives are so disconnected from public policy, that the effort isn’t worth their time.
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The fact that almost every reasonable person who listens to an ad in support of an Arkansas Republican congressman’s re-election thinks it’s fake offers at least a glimpse of hope that there are still people who realize the problem with it.
It’s not fake. Read more →
We suspect by now someone has started a GoFundMe page to raise money as a reward for a guy who makes a living at a pizza shop pizza. Good. Dalton Shaffer deserves every dime. Read more →
Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →