United Airlines, the anti-leggings airline, isn’t above asking police to drag people off a plane if it wants to give the seat to someone else.
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United Airlines, the anti-leggings airline, isn’t above asking police to drag people off a plane if it wants to give the seat to someone else.
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In Quincy, Mass., Carol Tan Wong died of lung cancer. During his eulogy for his mother, Adrian Wong said ‘she was not a smoker. Not exposed to secondhand smoke. Never worked with chemicals. She was simply unlucky.’ Then, a stranger suggested otherwise. Read more →
In an editor’s note, The Economist acknowledged a slavery-sympathetic bood review shouldn’t have been posted. It also reposted the review ‘in the interest of transparency.’ Read more →
It’s probably just as well that the book reviewer for The Economist didn’t sign the review in this week’s edition of Cornell professor Edward Baptist’s book, “The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism.” The magazine has never believed in bylines. The unsigning writer makes a case, apparently, that slavery Read more →