The Metropolitan Opera stands up to evil the way the patrons of Rick’s American Cafe did. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Terrorism
Undeterred by the warnings from officials that attacks in the city may not be over, the people of Paris lined up to donate blood to victims of Friday’s terrorism. Read more →

Journalist Seymour Hersch is leveling charges that the American story of the killing of Osama bin Laden is full of lies. Read more →

Abdi Warsame ridiculed ex-Sen. Norm Coleman’s assertion that the large Somali community in the state could lead to “the land of 10,000 terrorists.” Read more →

Norm Coleman recommended that a task force study why people become terrorists, hardly an innovative idea.
Here’s one: Stop writing offensive headlines when framing the issue. Read more →

Apparently, prosecutors believe that whether Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the man who murdered people at the Boston Marathon in 2013, should live or die hinges somewhat on a photograph. Read more →

A Star Tribune letter writer today wondered how it is a young man suspected of running off to join the Islamic State was able to withdraw $5,000 on a debit card for financial aid at his college. Read more →

We’ll find out more later today about the arrests of several people in Minneapolis and San Diego in a continuing investigation of the recruitment of potential terrorists. Read more →

Yesterday’s gyrocopter flight into the heart of Washington, DC, which illuminated the incompetence of those entrusted to provide air defense over the nation’s capital, has also started a debate in journalism circles around this question: What duty — if any — did a newspaper have to alert authorities? Read more →

If you go to a Twins game, you’ll have to pass through metal detectors. Major League Baseball this year has expanded its security procedures that it tried out late last season.
Is there a big problem at ballgames? No, security expert Bruce Schneier argues in the Washington Post today, it’s just part of the theater to make you feel safer from a threat that isn’t that big to begin with. Read more →

If one bumbling terrorist with a shoe bomb forced us all to take our shoes off at the airport security checkpoint, then a pilot with a death wish should perhaps be enough to change the math in the cockpit.
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Terrorists killed a dozen people in an assault on free speech, but it took a newspaper in New York to deliver the final blow. Read more →
In the wake of last week’s killings in Canada, the haters had their night, but the good people had the daytime.
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As the headline from NBC suggests, the United States — or at least its media — can’t help but pat its northern neighbor on the head, treating it as a civic child. Read more →

It was a tender moment on the ice Wednesday night before the Philadelphia-Pittsburgh hockey game. Read more →