We throw ‘giant’ around too much, but Minnesota really did lose a giant today when it was announced that Hy Berman has died at age 90.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for November 2015
The Minnesota Court of Appeals today agreed with a man who shot his ex-girlfriend that he can’t be convicted of first-degree assault in the state because the bullet he fired into her back didn’t hit any vital organs. Read more →
It’s not even December yet and we have a clubhouse leader in the ‘Tear my guts out, why doncha?’ competition for 2015. Read more →

It seemed like only yesterday that Navy vet Chris Ring jumped into the little creek known as the Mississippi River in Itasca and headed south. Read more →
Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank learned what thousands — maybe millions — of other Americans have already learned recently: Getting help for mental illness is an impossible task. Read more →
Why do the people who want to lead the country act as though it’s a burden they’re forced to endure?
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A movement that has been growing in parts of the U.S. has reached the Iron Range.
People are making or buying hats, scarves, and gloves and then leaving them tied to trees or other public locations for people to take if they need them.
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This’ll teach former presidential candidate and Massachusetts Gov. Mike Dukakis to share a favorite recipe, let alone give out his home address. Read more →

Three stories in the news today reveals that some realities of war don’t fit on bumper stickers:
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A pitcher for the Oakland A’s and his girlfriend showed a proper response to the fear whipped up by politicians looking for some cheap points with fearful voters. Read more →
As traditional as snow and carols, what’s a Black Friday without a little fight or two? Read more →
There are some honest people in Fertile, Minn. Really honest people. Read more →

This is the day of the year when the president pardons a turkey at the White House and for seven years, Malia and Sasha Obama have been good soldiers for the photo-op. Today was no different. They stood by their father’s side for the cause of tradition on the day we realized — again –that time moves on, and little kids grow up too fast.
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These are tough times on the farm, we’re told. Commodity prices are down and the harvest again was way too bountiful. Many farmers are now losing money.
It’s not that we disbelieve any of the stories we’re hearing. We just wonder what it is that farmer Derek Klingenberg is doing right to make the business consistently look so gosh darned fun. Read more →
The forthcoming issue of ESPN the Magazine has a fascinating inside look at Minnesota Timberwolves legend Kevin Garnett and the things that make him tick. And, for once, we understand why the NBA fossil is so slow to retire. Read more →