The security show is in the spotlight in Milwaukee because of some pushback to the sight of cops toting assault rifles at Miller Park, the home of the Milwaukee Brewers. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Terrorism

There is an undeniable attraction between Donald Trump and the racists who flooded the streets and killed a woman in Charlottesville over the weekend. Read more →
Three days after someone bombed out the imam’s office at the Bloomington’s Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center with an improvised explosive device, the White House is weighing in. Read more →
The United States secretary of defense said all the usual things after the latest terrorism in London, tough talk to show the world that we’re tough against the onslaught of occasional evil. Read more →
Reuters reports today that the new administration will revamp the ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ program to ‘Countering Islamic Extremism’ or ‘Countering Radical Islamic Extremism,’ and would no longer target groups such as white supremacists who have also carried out bombings and shootings in the United States. It cites unnamed sources. Read more →

There probably isn’t a pilot of small planes in America who isn’t holding his/her breath this afternoon waiting for the inevitable calls to ban aircraft in the wake of the National Transportation Safety Board’s revelation this afternoon that a plane that crashed in East Hartford, CT., yesterday was intentionally brought down.
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It’s hard to see how the perpetrators of yesterday’s attack in France aren’t gleeful that people like Newt Gingrich are giving them exactly what they had hoped for Read more →
It’s compelling video that leads us — again — to ask: Is there ever a time to put the camera down?
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Truer words were never spoken than the ones from a Transportation Security Administration officer when a man’s daughter underwent a two-minute pat-down because she had a juice box in her carry on.
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We were told this week that the Department of Homeland Security is going to soon announce a new terrorism warning system to replace the system that replaced the color-coded system.
If it has any degree of accuracy, it will say that America is currently at Threat Level Stupid. Read more →
This is an incredible video put together by Milan Vuckovic, a Berlin designer who started putting it together after the attacks in Paris.
He documented every terrorist attack in the last 15 years in which at least 21 people died. Read more →
The police in Brussels didn’t find what they were looking for when they staged a series of raids looking for Salah Abdeslam, suspected to be one of the gunmen in the Nov. 13 Paris attacks. Read more →
It probably seemed like a good idea at the time for a first-year teacher in Utah who was trying to teach kids why people are lured into terrorism. Read more →
Prince has canceled his appearance at a concert in Europe, but Bob Dylan went ahead with his in Italy last night after he got another dozen armed guards assigned to the security force, International Business Times reports. Read more →
We acknowledge up front that we’re just guessing, but we can’t imagine anything that could enrage terrorists more than the beauty a civilized mind can provide in response. Read more →