Shannon McCarthy’s family and friends aren’t too proud to beg.
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Shannon McCarthy’s family and friends aren’t too proud to beg.
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Some time ago, someone asked Nancy Dyson and Jason Jaques, of Sauk Rapids, where they could go to get a shower in the area. They had nothing to offer. So they solved the problem themselves. Read more →
For the most part, commencement speakers are a pretty forgettable lot. They might be good for a few laughs but within a few months, they become a trivia question.
Suffice it to say, though, the Morehouse College seniors are not going to forget their commencement speaker. Read more →
Why do some children survive the very worst life can throw at them and some don’t? Quite often, it’s one person who gives a damn. Read more →
According to a study published Monday in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, teenage suicide spiked 28.9% after the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” premiered in 2017. That’s 195 dead kids more than would have been expected. Read more →
We apologize profusely for failing to notice Boyd’s Huppert’s story this week about the housekeeper at the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Children’s Hospital and the 4-year-old boy he befriended Read more →
When the Waukesha family’s story was told, people stepped up. So many people offered to be the donor, it crashed an overburdened screening process to select one. Read more →
The kids of the Aquinas girls basketball team on Thursday showed us why they’re two-time state champions. Read more →
Gisele was born premature in 2016; she weighed only 2 pounds. That’s what happens when your mother uses heroin, cocaine and methadone during pregnancy. Read more →
Sometimes you get up in the morning and think there’s no hope in the world.
Today is not one of those days. Read more →
Since 2001, Alice Jahnke has made 55 afghans, 831 caps and 405 bonnets for people who are undergoing radiation at Alomere Health in Alexandria, Minn. Read more →
Todd Palmer, an athletic director at Brown High School in Sturgis, S.D., was pretty excited that his daughter would be playing in the NCAA Sweet 16 basketball tournament for the South Dakota Jackrabbits in Portland, the Sioux Falls Argus Leader says. Just one problem: he couldn’t go. Read more →
The kids in Amery, Wis., had a snow day yesterday but there was no time off for them, not when the coaches of their hockey team suggested they put the time to good use. Read more →
All over the Twin Cities in the last few days, strangers have been pushing people out of snowbanks and snowdrifts and getting no attention for it. So perhaps if the Dakota County sheriff can find three heroes, they can represent all of you who got no recognition for being the better part of us. Read more →
There’s good news and bad news in the story of Jay Mitchell, the homeless man who wouldn’t give up his dog in the brutal cold of a Minnesota winter and paid the price with severe frostbite.
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