It was a puzzling moment for me a few years ago at Mayo Clinic when I walked into a waiting room, only to see Fox News on the TV. You either love the channel or hate it — just like MSNBC — but it’s inarguable that businesses who insist on a channel for political partisans risk alienating customers who are not of that faith. Businesses taking sides seems bad for business. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Rochester
Katie Erbe-Shea, one of Minnesota’s best high school basketball players back in the day, will not be getting the head coaching job at Lourdes High School, the Catholic high school in Rochester.
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The Rochester man lives on disability payments that allow him to spend only $300 a month on housing, the Rochester Post-Bulletin reports. That’s not enough, so Jacob lives in a 19-year-old van he bought with what little money he had two weeks ago.
On Good Friday, a drunk driver slammed into it, disabling it.
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A Rochester area woman is planning to do her part to ease hunger in her area by borrowing the idea of Little Free Libraries and using it for food instead.
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It took nearly four years, but the National Transportation Safety Board has now closed its investigation into how four people on the way home from a Packers-Vikings game ended up upside down in an airplane in Rochester. Read more →
It looked like it would be a typical TV news stand-up. But reporter Adam Sallet got way more than that in reporting on a bank robbery in Rochester. Read more →
The Rochester City Council last night was supposed to debate whether a family could keep Emil, the domesticated fox.
The debate is moot. Emil is dead. Read more →
A private firm that wants to build a high-speed rail link from the Twin Cities to Rochester (and on to Chicago) is considering using the country’s immigration laws to make it happen.
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A sign at an American Legion in Rochester, Minn., is becoming must-see gawking.
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A private company is trying to get exclusive air rights from the Twin Cities to Rochester to build an elevated route. That apparently isn’t going very well and the newspaper says the company might turn to other parts of the country.
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BB’s Pizzaria food truck is fighting the good fight to bring food trucks to the city, which still bans food trucks on public streets. Read more →
High-speed rail between Rochester and the Twin Cities is never going to happen at the snail’s pace efforts have moved in recent years.
A Rochester group apparently has the solution — cut the government out of it. Read more →
A good person has to feel for Linda Bowar of Rochester, who did something about the fact that there are too many kids without appropriate winter gear for Minnesota’s dark months. Or, at least, she tried to do something.
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Rochester is the Minnesota city is the only metropolitan area in the north to make the top-10 list of happiest cities. Read more →
In Rochester, sitting with a sign that says you need money? That’s protected speech. But blocking someone’s path or touching someone to ask for money isn’t.
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