It looked to be a typical TV news stand-up. KIMT Reporter Adam Sallet stood just outside Sterling State Bank in Rochester, Minn., ready to do a live shot on a story about the bank being robbed the day before, not realizing that the same bank had just been robbed again by the same man.
As Sallet began his report, a bank employee ran up behind Sallet pointing off camera and saying, “That’s the robber.”
Sallet kept his cool. “Oh, that’s the robber,” he said. “This is live TV folks. That’s the robber, just went by … I’ve got to go here and call 911. I’ll talk to you later.”
He left the shot to call the cops.
“I can assure you, that was not set up,” the anchor, equally, cool, said as the feed cut back to the studio.
KIMT, which covers southern Minnesota out of Mason City, Iowa, reports this afternoon that a suspect is in custody.