A sign at an American Legion in Rochester, Minn., is becoming must-see gawking.
For three years the sign has preached the things that we drivers are supposed to already know.
“Dear Driver: We know when you’re looking at your phone. Seriously. No one just looks down at their crotch and smiles.”
It’s the work of Tony Loecher, the Rochester Post-Bulletin says.
It started, he says, because some people in the area complained that the sign never changed; it always said something about bingo.
The Legion has had dwindling membership as its members fade away and he thought it might be a way to pep things up a bit.
“That night, I came back, and there was a group of 20-somethings — young, for this place — sitting here having drinks,” Loecher remembers. “I asked them what brought them in, and they said, ‘We saw your sign and thought we should check it out.’
“I couldn’t have asked for a better thing to happen on the first night,” he said.
The feedback started first with the club’s members, then Legion officials started getting emails “about how (people) appreciated it, made them laugh.”

(h/t: Karla Bergstrom, Heather Carlson)