Waylon Klitzman was just looking to honor a beloved teacher whose 4-year-old niece was battling a rare form of cancer. He did not expect his effort would become “Waylon’s $10,000 Pig” and draw the attention of the Washington Post. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: People doing good

These days, we’ll take a little hopefulness anywhere we can find it, and if you’ve been reading the comments since last week’s court decision in St. Paul, we can use a little hopefulness. Read more →

Isabella Nicola Cabrera wants to play the violin. That’s difficult when you’re born with no left hand and a severely deformed forearm. A music teacher at her school had tried to build her a jury-rigged prosthetic, but it was never going to allow her to do what a violinist really needs to do.
So it’s a good thing that the first project idea that a group of students at George Mason University needed in order to graduate failed.
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Your daily dose of bittersweetness today comes from the blizzard-weary land of Willmar, Minn., where the police department reports on its Facebook page that police officers shoveled a driveway after trying to save the life of an elderly man who had a heart attack while shoveling.
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It’s been a good week for Minnesota viral videos. Not one but two videos involving Minnesotans have racked up thousands of views online. Read more →
It was a pretty good week to be a member of the Grand Rapids, Minn., police department. When they pulled people over, they got hugs for a change.
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There are some honest people in Fertile, Minn. Really honest people. Read more →
Evan Leversage, a 7-year-old boy with brain cancer, isn’t expected to live until Christmas. So the people of St. George, Ontario are messing with the calendar to bring in the holiday season early. Read more →

A 76-year-old man has pretty much given up on life after his house was damaged in a storm and his son was killed on a snowmobile. He now lives in a small camper with no electricity, heat, or running water.
So Angela Nguyen, who delivers pizzas, stepped in. Read more →

When Lucas Hobbs, 12, of Eagan was at Children’s Hospital being treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, he had trouble eating. He was in the hospital for 40 days. Then he decided what wish he’s ask Make a Wish for.
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The Enge family of Thief River Falls was planning to spend Saturday’s Twins-Cubs game at Target Field, celebrating the survival of Allie Enge, who survived brain surgery three years ago, almost to the day.
Then someone stole their tickets. Read more →

When a 6-year-old boy lost a stuffed animal, Tony D’Aiuto, who runs the operations center at Tampa Airport, did what more of us should: He went to extremes to make the day a little nicer for someone having a bad day. Read more →

You never know how the Internet can inspire people to help.
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Jerry Severson of Rochester, who was walking on a bridge crossing the Zumbro River just north of Byron Sunday morning when he saved the lives of two people he didn’t know. Read more →

Dick and Rick Hoyt didn’t want a big name to help continue their tradition of running the Boston Marathon every year. They wanted a big heart.
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