Evan Leversage, a 7-year-old boy with brain cancer, isn’t expected to live until Christmas. So the people of St. George, Ontario are messing with the calendar to bring in the holiday season early. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
By Jon Gordon
jgordon@mpr.org • @jongordon • 1-651-290-1024Jon Gordon was the director of digital news for MPR News.

Nationwide, seven students — all children of immigrants — were offered admission to every Ivy League school. Four of the seven chose Harvard, including a Minnesota student. Another Minnesota student bypassed the Ivies altogether. Read more →

I used to host a daily show about new digital technology that intended to illustrate and explain how our lives were being revolutionized by computers, the Internet, smart phones, etc. But in the back of my mind I always thought the bigger revolution was the juice that made every single device and network run. Electricity. So Read more →