Western Wisconsin’s Hudson Star-Observer says it will no longer publish hate letters, “letters that threaten or that incite crimes including violence against anyone and for any reason. Period.” Read more →
Western Wisconsin’s Hudson Star-Observer says it will no longer publish hate letters, “letters that threaten or that incite crimes including violence against anyone and for any reason. Period.” Read more →
In a stand against bigotry, rabbis and imams rode bikes together in Berlin. Read more →
The reaction a Brooklyn Park church is getting for spreading some interdenominational love is jaw-dropping, even when viewed by 2018 standards. Read more →
Unquestionably, there is a right to free speech; that’s not the issue. This is: Does journalism have a responsibility to give it a megaphone? Read more →
Religion and sports has married in the world of soccer where the faithful fans of Liverpool have created an ‘I’ll be Muslim too’ chant to honor their star player, Mohamed Salah. Read more →
Actor James Woods has no time for the ideals of the United States as a great melting pot. How else to explain his tweet? Read more →
Here’s an idea. If you’re uncomfortable with someone speaking Arabic on an airplane, maybe you should get off. Read more →
It must’ve been a big moment in the life of a football fan in Green Bay on Sunday during a moment of silence for the people killed in the attacks in Paris.
He had the stadium to himself, the rest of the fans smart enough to respect the silence.
‘Muslims suck!’ he shouted.
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