When the call went out for folks to read to a lonely Sting, the nation responded. We’re talking about the White Bear Lake library dog. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Dogs

Sting is a good dog.
And there he was last week, on duty at the White Bear Lake Library, waiting for kids to show up to read to him.
Nobody showed up, apparently. Read more →

Those of us who don’t know the ins-and-outs of sled-dog racing take it for granted that the sport is just another idyllic Minnesota activity. Hook the dogs up… tell them to go… and the musher gets a free ride. We get lovely photographs.
Sometimes you get this photograph, which Blair Braverman, of Mountain, Wis., posted this afternoon to her Twitter feed. Read more →

This is the very definition of a dilemma.
You step off the subway train, your dog in tow, and the door closes, separating you from you and your pup. Read more →

2018 is off to a lousy start. Piper the airport dog is dead. Read more →

Because there isn’t a dog story that can’t provide a human pick-me-up when we could use one, that’s why.
So, here’s to Piper of Traverse City, Mich. Read more →

This is Storm. Storm is a good dog, or, as his owner, Mark Freeley, says, ‘the world’s best dog.’ No pressure, Storm. Read more →

A couple on their way to Wisconsin to rescue dogs from slaughter in Korea ran out of luck when their SUV broke down in Stillwater. But then a community service officer gave them the keys to his vehicle, the Pioneer Press reports. Read more →

From available evidence, a Minneapolis police officer wasn’t being threatened by a dog when he answered a burglar alarm at a home in north Minneapolis Saturday afternoon. But Ciroc and Rocko, two Staffordshire terrier therapy dogs, got shot anyway.
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Let’s go over proper etiquette at the concert.
You don’t clap between movements.
You do clap when a dog walks on stage and takes up residence with the concertmaster. Read more →

‘I am never going to let this dog go,’ Christi Smith, of Brooklyn Park, told the Pioneer Press in 2013. ‘I owe him for the rest of his life.’
Alas, the rest of TaterTot’s life was short. The pit bull, who became famous for saving Smith’s son, was euthanized yesterday. Cancer. Read more →

Matoska Park’s dog beach, between Sixth and Seventh Streets, has been canine heaven in the summer since 2007, but some residents have complained that there’s more space for dogs to swim than there is for humans, especially since the lake water is rising again. Read more →
It was minus 22 in Duluth, not the best weather for a short-haired dog, but not an impediment for dozens — maybe hundreds — of people who cared enough to help look for Bentley. Read more →

In addition to an inability to merge and unwillingness to take the last piece of anything, picking up after their dogs is a stain on the image of Minnesotans.
The kids at Emerson Elementary in Minneapolis have had it with you, Minnesotans. Read more →