While unleashed, Lucy the greyhound was lost. After she was found, a rescue organization took the dog because of an adoption agreement which apparently required her to be on a leash at all times. The family is pressing for Lucy’s return. Read more →
While unleashed, Lucy the greyhound was lost. After she was found, a rescue organization took the dog because of an adoption agreement which apparently required her to be on a leash at all times. The family is pressing for Lucy’s return. Read more →
Gone are the days when a person would get a dog, teach Fido to sit and stay, and, in the suburbs at least, send him out alone, no questions asked, the Boston Globe says. Read more →
‘Comfort Dogs’ have begun arriving at the scene of Sunday’s mass killing. They’re doing what they do best: be dogs. Read more →
The world needs more dog stories. So here’s a dog story, world. Read more →
Greater love hath no basset hound than that which Grumpie and Gracie had for five-month-old Nora Hall, who died on Monday at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis after suffering a stroke last month. Read more →
In the eyes of the law in Wisconsin, a dog has no emotional value.
An Onalaska couple has lost a bid for a larger award for the injuries to their dog, after arguing that the same law that inflates the market value of photographs and heirlooms should apply to family pets too. Read more →
The gift of a man’s best friend endures. Read more →
Judge, a K-9 in New Jersey, got a hero’s farewell as he walked into the veterinary clinic last week where he was put down. Read more →
To protect a dog, a Texas A&M cadet through the best block of the day in college football. Read more →
You’re a police officer executing a search warrant. Instead of knocking on a door, you break it down. Two dogs inside start barking. What do you do? Read more →
More evidence that among the great injustices on the planet is that dogs don’t live longer. In Cooperstown, North Dakota — about 100 miles northwest of Fargo — a three-year-old boy was found safe early this morning after disappearing six hours earlier from his farm. Bloodhounds, people on foot, and an airplane were brought in Read more →
Would you take your dog to the symphony? After his dog — a 15-year-old poodle — died, composer Steve Mercurio wrote a four-movement classical symphony for orchestra, vocalist, and gospel choir. The 80 members of the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia will perform it in August, at an event called Woof Fest. Dogs are invited. It Read more →