According to a new poll, only 28 percent of young voters say they’ll vote in midterm elections next month. Across all demographics, a little more than half say they’ll vote, so young people are pretty much booting the chance to have significant influence on an election. Again.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for September 2018
She started curling when she was 25. But she gave up the sport after a year because being a nurse and raising two kids took much of her time. Twenty years ago, she — literally — picked up the sport again.
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Ingredients for youth soccer in Minnesota in late September: Kids with endless amounts of energy, a soccer field and a bunch of parents who pull their cars around so that the kids can see what they’re doing. Read more →

I’m not going to condemn Star Tribune Vikings beat writer Mark Craig for articulating his obvious ignorance about mental health issues; I’ve been there. And there’s value in everyone seeing the sort of dominant thinking that had led far too many of our friends and neighbors to give up when seeking help for their illness.
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It started when some of Sandra Sue Albrecht’s 11 children bought a headstone that their father, John Wendell Albrecht, 76, stole and put one he thought more appropriate in its place. His carried references from Revelations referring to the ‘fiery lake of burning sulfur.” Read more →

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

If there’s an early hero in the still unfolding story of Everson Griffin, who appears to be suffering from significant mental health problems, it’s Minnetrista police officer Justin Thompson and his colleagues who appear to have enough knowledge about mental health issues to get him to a safe place. Read more →
If you’ve been trying to solve the Riemann hypothesis — and, really, who hasn’t? — you can stop now. A Scottish mathematician claims to have done it. It’s a 160-year-old math problem. Read more →
An employee at the Target store in Fridley is suing the company claiming her promotion was denied after she complained about sexual harassment, the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal is reporting. Read more →

In this day and age of a widening gap between the haves and have nots, you’re either doing something, or you’re doing nothing.
The growing homeless camp along Minnehaha Avenue in Minneapolis is a monument to people doing nothing. Read more →
In 2013, a 29-year old Wisconsin man was paralyzed in a snowmobile accident. In the old days, that’s the end of the story. A life in a wheelchair followed. But he’s walking again. Ain’t science grand? Read more →

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →
The city of Faribault, which had asked gawkers to stay away, has posted this video of the destruction and while there are some planes that can be repaired, the majority shown are likely to be totaled out by the insurance companies. Read more →

The thing about Mondays is the news cycle is — for the most part — glacial and not at all interesting, so let’s bathe in alternatives while we can. Read more →
Bureaucrats have apparently survived the flooding in North Carolina and, perhaps, things aren’t as bad there as we’ve been led to believe because a woman has been arrested for rescuing animals from the flood. Read more →