Ingredients for youth soccer in Minnesota in late September:
1) Kids with endless amounts of energy
2) A soccer field
3) A bunch of parents who pull their cars around so that the kids can see what they’re doing.

Practice was scheduled for 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. last night and there really wasn’t much that could be done about the fact that the solar system has a schedule that doesn’t cooperate, what with its 7:02 p.m. sunset and all.
And moving the practice wasn’t an option this week as the coach has another team that practices between 5:30 p.m. and 6:45 p.m.
No problem.
The parents of U13 players in the North Suburban Soccer Association — Shoreview, Little Canada, Vadnais Heights, Roseville –were asked to park at the west end of the field at Southpointe Park in North Oaks and supply the lighting with their car’s headlights.
The season ends in a couple of weeks.