Bob Williams, 94, of Long Grove, Iowa, was struck years ago by the ‘pay it forward’ campaigns. A former teacher and newspaperman, Williams was also a big fan of chocolate bars. So he started buying an extra one or two to give away to people he met in his town. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for September 2018

It’s been 50 years since Dylan wrote his anthem. NPR’s Lynn Neary figures it lasts because it’s an anthem of hope, rather than looking at the past.
Even if its staying power indicates that sometimes, the times don’t change. Read more →

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

The weather constantly reminds us of how one minute you can have something, and a minute later you’ve got nothing. Read more →
Nearly 30,000 people have applied to have their student loans forgiven under a government program that rewards those who work in public service for at least 10 years while keeping their payments for their loans up to date.
Only 96 actually had their loans forgiven, CNBC reports today. Read more →
What’s with kids today that they don’t want to be umpires and referees in youth sports? Read more →
An airplane hangar is no match for a tornado; they’re just a few steel beams and a bunch of tin. Read more →
In Madison, someone called the cops because a candidate for state assembly was knocking on doors looking for votes. She was ‘suspicious’, and by ‘suspicious’, the complainant actually meant ‘black.’ Read more →

Here are the stories, topics, and guests you’ll hear today on MPR News. Read more →

Texas holds a lot of sway in the education of kids far outside the state, so if your young child in the future has no idea who Dwight Eisenhower is, blame Texas, where education officials Thursday cut several historical figures from the curriculum. Read more →
John Hanock says it will no longer sell traditional life insurance policies, opting instead for ‘interactive’ policies which use smart watches and fitbit-type devices to monitor the physical activity of its policyholders. Read more →
Former Minnesota Timberwolves point guard Ricky Rubio spoke for a lot of fans when he tweeted his reaction to the news that Jimmy Butler, a star of the current team, wants out of Minnesota. Read more →
Fact: Wisconsin’s congressional elections are way more interesting than Minnesota’s. Read more →
Minnesota is near the top of another national survey, but this one probably isn’t brag-worthy. It’s ninth on the list of debt incurred by people attending college. Read more →

Now, Delta is the latest airline to ensure that the game expands. It’s quietly raised its checked bag fee from $25 to $30. It’ll be $40 for the second. Read more →