We’ve all heard the tales from hunter friends or relatives who’ve gone through great lengths to track and bag (in their stories at least) a deer in the woods. But what would drive hunters to risk their lives to save one? Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for November 2013

This sign at a Walmart store in Canton, Ohio is either: (a) Proof that Walmart doesn’t pay its employees enough to make a decent living or: (b) Proof that Walmart cares about its employees. The Cleveland Plain Dealer says the idea for the food collection tubs, which are in an employees-only area, originated at the Read more →
If you’ve almost starved one child to death, are you fit enough as a parent to retain three others in your care if they aren’t starving or, apparently, abused? Today, the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruled you are. Read more →
When is the last time you heard a male astronaut asked how he could leave his children home to spend time aboard the International Space Station?
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Why are we obsessed with the Kennedy assassination, risking lives to get a viral tornado video, Ian Leonard’s concussion, the harvest in Hendricks, and there’s an ‘i’ in Grinnell. Read more →
Bob McDonald, it’s safe to say, never got rich in basketball; at least where money is concerned. And he probably hasn’t gotten the attention that young high schoolers have received. But he must have gotten something out of it because he’s been the head basketball coach in Chisholm, McGregor, and Barnum for nearly 60 years. He’ll get his 1,000th win sometime this season, which opens next Friday. Read more →

In San Francisco, today a 5-year-old who fought cancer gets to be BatKid in a city that played the part of a superhero-loving Gotham City. Read more →

Does two make a trend? For the second time in under a month, a restaurant server got a lecture on the meal check about her sexual orientation instead of the tip she deserved. In Bridgewater, N.J., Dayna Morales posted on the Have a Gay Day Facebook page that a couple stiffed her on the $95 Read more →

It’s a bittersweet time for Timberwolves fans. Because of our “we can’t have nice things” mentality, it’s assumed Love will head for a bigger spotlight when his contract is up in 2015. Read more →
The Ryan Ferguson story might already be fading from view if not for this brouhaha: A reporter covering the case hugged him when he was released. Read more →
Vanishing icons, Dinkytown, and the low percentage of African Americans on campuses (5×8 – 11/15/13)

Return of the weatherball, who owns Dinkytown, some people start life on thirdbase, birth of the bull run, and your moment of Minnesota zen. Read more →
A big Obama concession on health care doesn’t sway his opponents, no charges or discipline in the crash involving a Minneapolis police officer, can economists ever predict accurately, and baseball is expanding its replay system. Read more →
Stand up for your dumpster!
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The NBA’s Christmas magic? Read more →
The latest in draconian flying rules. Dogs must be stowed under the seat in front of you. Read more →