Walmart employees who protest their wages will probably lose their jobs. That seems to be just fine with a lot of people who take these sorts of things personally Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for November 2013
Take heart, Minnesota: There is no law preventing you from wearing a duck on your head. Read more →
The Court said a business owner is not entitled to any more money from Dakota County than he was given when his property was taken by eminent domain, and it did so largely on this question: What is a “community?” Read more →
GoldieBlox, the toy company that wants to inspire girls toward engineering and science, can apparently tell when the tide turns.
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This will probably be one of the last posts until next week, but just wanted to point out that Saturday is the 6th birthday of NewsCut, which officially launched on Nov. 30, 2007. I had actually been writing it since that October (those posts are available online) while the bosses evaluated whether this idea really Read more →
Should a business owner’s religion determine an employee’s health care benefits, guns at the state Capitol, what’s Thanksgiving without a stay at the airport, and a case in Mankato raises this question: Can anyone be foster parents? Read more →

GoldieBlox isn’t going to need to win the free Super Bowl commercial competition it’s in with the Locally Laid egg farm in Wrenshall, Minn. It’s doing just fine getting publicity thanks to its viral video. Read more →

If The Daily Show can do it, perhaps there’s no reason why a Duluth TV station can’t fake the news by standing in front of a “green screen” and pretending to be somewhere they’re not. Read more →

The fastest-disappearing job in journalism is the photographer and this is the time of the year when it shows.
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The nose doesn’t lie in South St. Paul/Newport, Gavin’s belt to help battle a tumor, an old man with an older gun, teaching homeless kids, and the case against punting. Read more →
We may never know why Adam Lanza killed Connecticut students, Trevino gets 27 years in killing of his wife, Obama pushes back against critics of the Iran nuclear deal, why there’s no Minnesota steel in the new Vikings stadium, and how a person taught himself to fly using someone else’s airplane — without permission. Read more →

Dora Dougherty Strother McKeown has died. The Saint Paul native was the first woman to fly a B-29 Superfortress during World War II because the men were afraid to. Read more →

The new owner of Block E is going to give renovating the eyesore in downtown Minneapolis a go, with no public money, apparently. Read more →

If you’re going to drive drunk, don’t buy these types of things to jazz up your truck. A Meeker County man today lost his attempt to have his DUI license revocation thrown out. His tail light covers did him in. Joseph Hoekstra was driving his pickup truck in December 2011 when state trooper Casey Meagher, Read more →

Why Minnesota works and Wisconsin doesn’t, the band of brothers who stick up for a first-grader, the woman behind the hockey microphone, the B-17 flyover in Green Bay, and why Dilbert’s creator wanted his father to die. Read more →