Minnesota native Melissa Bachman likes hunting big game but her recent lion hunt has the Internet furious. Read more →
Minnesota native Melissa Bachman likes hunting big game but her recent lion hunt has the Internet furious. Read more →
Ban baby boomers http://t.co/wV8MYpfI71 — Dan D'Addario (@DPD_) November 22, 2013 Did you expect a generational dispute to break out today? From what I can tell from my Twitter feed today, a lot of people are watching either the CBS or NBC “live” feeds of this moment in 1963 today. NPR and other organizations are Read more →
One of the most famous Minneapolis Lakers has died. Vern Mikkelsen, an Askov, Minn., native, died Thursday night, the Star Tribune’s Patrick Reusse reports. He was 85. He had a stroke in 2002 and found it difficult to talk, so he started writing more and wrote his biography. “My stroke, ironically, gave me something to Read more →
A lot of people in my generation took the Kennedy assassination out on Lyndon Johnson, not because we thought he had anything to do with it, but because he wasn’t Jack Kennedy. Read more →
Sometimes, a news story perfectly reveals the extent to which the terrorists “have won.”
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JFK: Maybe you can’t figure out history, why we should welcome winter, what you can do for your country, the toughest competition: girls, and the price of Bat Kid. Read more →
A long-simmering feud is boiling again between the news media and the Obama administration, which has emerged as a closed administration.
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Update 12:57 p.m. – Watch the Dreamliner attempt to take off. (KIRO) Update 1:18 p.m. – It had no problem taking off with room to spare. A few years ago, I took an MPR News website producer for a ride in an airplane to show him his colleague’s outstanding airmanship. This is our approach to Read more →
This week’s stabbing of a state senator in Virginia at the hands of his mentally-ill son, who then took his own life, has now sparked the usual follow-up: “How could this happen?” Read more →
The reporters who buried Oswald, does Saint Paul need streetcars again, the monster in Lake Pepin, the lies we repeat about Thanksgiving shopping, and the Fox 9 reporter’s face plant. Read more →
You probably won’t hear much about Gloria Steinem being awarded a Presidential Medal of Freedom today by President Barack Obama. Former President Bill Clinton and current presidential pal Oprah Winfrey seem to be getting top billing in news coverage. Where did Steinem, an activist and writer for more than four decades, end up in today’s Read more →
Execs at the Pioneer Press newspaper insisted today that the decision to cut 170 jobs at its printing plant near Holman Field and contracting with the rival Star Tribune does not indicate a sale of the paper itself despite ongoing rumors that it’s only a matter of time before the Twin Cities become a one-newspaper Read more →
The Minnesota Supreme Court took some bite out of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act when it ruled today that contracts between private firms doing business for a government entity can remain confidential in some cases. The Court overturned a Court of Appeals ruling that originally favored the Timberjay newspaper in its bid to get Read more →
Nothing keeps a community together like a cup of coffee in the right setting. In cities all over the Midwest, especially those where businesses have moved out and the people remaining aren’t far behind, the town cafe holds it together. Read more →
Funeral panhandling, what’s happening at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve, it’s over for stadium opponents so on to Atlanta, when sex offenders almost walk, and the ‘joy sessions.’ Read more →