This sign at a Walmart store in Canton, Ohio is either:
(a) Proof that Walmart doesn’t pay its employees enough to make a decent living
(b) Proof that Walmart cares about its employees.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer says the idea for the food collection tubs, which are in an employees-only area, originated at the “store level,” but now that it’s in the news seems to be embraced by the corporate execs.
“It is for associates who have had some hardships come up,” Walmart spokesman Kory Lundberg said. “Maybe their spouse lost a job. This is part of the company’s culture to rally around associates and take care of them when they face extreme hardships.”
But an employee at the store said she found the tubs “demoralizing,” and sent pictures to a group that’s organizing Walmart employees.
“Why would a company do that?” Vanessa Ferreira, a spokeswoman for Our Walmart said. “The company needs to stand up and give them their 40 hours and a living wage, so they don’t have to worry about whether they can afford Thanksgiving.”
Walmart will open all day on Thanksgiving.