Princehoward Barbecue Yee, of Falmouth, Maine, made a federal case last year out of his insistence that he be allowed to play baseball at Deering High School, which is in another school district from his residence. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Youth Sports
A funny thing happened at a wrestling tournament for little kids in Kimberly earlier this month: some wrestling broke out. Read more →
As the story is told, when a foul was called sending a Minneota player to the line in a game two weeks ago, senior Thomas Hennen went to the line to shoot the free throws, even though he wasn’t the player fouled. Read more →
Hockey rage has struck — literally — a referee in Breezy Point.
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Mark Bush would have had an easy win in a wrestling tournament in New York if he’d finished off an injured opponent. But he didn’t want to win that way. So he lost instead. Read more →
Given the grief that parents at youth games give officials on behalf of their little charges, why would anyone want to be a referee or umpire anymore? In Wisconsin, as elsewhere, they don’t. Read more →
Why would someone stand on the sidelines dressed as a referee? Why would a team allow him to? Did it impact the game? And who’s suing whom, anyway. Ah, details!
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I have long maintained on these pages that if you want to see sportsmanship in high school sports, the cross-country kids are your best bet. So give it up to the cross-country kids at Chico (Calif.) High School for proving me right.
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Marco Cavallaro — or maybe it was his parents — didn’t like the penalty called him for a flagrant hit on a quarterback during his East Ridge High School’s (Woodbury) final regular season game against Centennial, won by East Ridge in a thrilling game.
Maybe it was a good call; maybe it wasn’t. That’s football. Read more →
You know how it is; sometimes you just get caught up in the moment and do something stupid. It happens, particularly with kids. Read more →
The St. Louis Post Dispatch reports that the family accepts that Student Doe, who played JV soccer last season, didn’t make the big team, but he didn’t make the JV squad either. They say they were told the JV openings went to freshmen and sophomores because they have more time to polish their skills and help the big team. Read more →

Ingredients for youth soccer in Minnesota in late September: Kids with endless amounts of energy, a soccer field and a bunch of parents who pull their cars around so that the kids can see what they’re doing. Read more →
What’s with kids today that they don’t want to be umpires and referees in youth sports? Read more →
Today’s daily dose of sweetness comes from Little Falls, where a 7th grade football coach tells a familiar story of giving a kid a chance to have his big moment. Read more →

Dismiss the value of trivia if you wish, but we take some comfort in the fact that ‘Big Al’ Delia has risen above the daily nonsense to capture America’s attention. Read more →