Before we begin a week of telling you all the horrible things and despicable people in the world, this equal time (one can only wish) for a dissenting view.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: The kids are all right

The kids of the Aquinas girls basketball team on Thursday showed us why they’re two-time state champions. Read more →
The kids in Amery, Wis., had a snow day yesterday but there was no time off for them, not when the coaches of their hockey team suggested they put the time to good use. Read more →
Some kids learn important lessons by what others consider failure. You show up, you work hard. Sometimes it doesn’t work out, so you keep working on it because someday it might. Read more →
You know those big heroic sendoffs that communities give their sports stars when they go off to a state tournament?
The robotics teams in Austin, Minn., got one this morning.
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The Regeneron Science Talent Search is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors. The finalists will be announced tomorrow Read more →

Mark Bush would have had an easy win in a wrestling tournament in New York if he’d finished off an injured opponent. But he didn’t want to win that way. So he lost instead. Read more →

Cooper Dawson and Kingsley Feinman, have changed each other’s lives. Dawson is your basic jock. Feinman is your basic person with cerebral palsy. Read more →
There’s so much to love in this video today from Stillwater Area Schools. Read more →
The sooner Dane Best, 9, of Severance, Colorado, grows up, the sooner we can get some of the country’s nagging problems solved.
Dane Best solves problems. Take that ban on snowball fights in his community. Read more →
Flowers and hockey generally don’t go hand in hand. But the times demanded it for the West Fargo Sheyenne Mustang hockey team, which made a stop on the way to their game against the Red River Roughriders. Read more →

The University of Washington and Washington State University played their big rivalry game Friday, but the UW band couldn’t make it to the game. One of the the three busses carrying the band overturned on a highway on the way to the game in Pullman and the band canceled the trip. Read more →

I have long maintained on these pages that if you want to see sportsmanship in high school sports, the cross-country kids are your best bet. So give it up to the cross-country kids at Chico (Calif.) High School for proving me right.
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No surprise here: Monday’s daily dose of sweetness comes from KARE 11’s Boyd Huppert, whose latest story profiles the friendship between a couple of kids at Stillwater High School. Read more →
We suspect by now someone has started a GoFundMe page to raise money as a reward for a guy who makes a living at a pizza shop pizza. Good. Dalton Shaffer deserves every dime. Read more →