According to a study published Monday in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, teenage suicide spiked 28.9% after the Netflix series “13 Reasons Why” premiered in 2017. That’s 195 dead kids more than would have been expected. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Suicide

This is Lyra McKee, who was shot and killed while trying to do her job on Thursday. She’s a reporter. Read more →
The news is full of stories of people in a mental health crisis ending up dead at the hands of people who were called to help. That’s why what happened in Fargo on Thursday night is a game changer. Read more →
A little over a year ago, Jamie Baker, a lunchpail NHL player for the Quebec Nordiques, Ottawa Senators, San Jose Sharks and Toronto Maple Leafs back in the day, had a few moments with his own thoughts during his current job as a TV analyst for the San Jose Sharks. That’s when he decided that he would kill himself. Read more →
If you’re the type to toss the sports section from the daily newspaper, you’ll miss a well-written and bittersweet story about a father who’s trying to press on after his son killed himself. Read more →
No charges will be filed against a New Hope police officer who shot and killed Ronald Klitzka, but the narrative of events released by prosecutors Wednesday makes the word “tragedy” insufficient to describe what happened. Read more →
Shane Paulsen, of Devil’s Lake, N.D., has been dreading Dec. 2. It was the one-year anniversary of the day he woke up to a gunshot at 7 a.m. His daughter, Madissen, 11, had taken her own life. A few weeks later, her best friend, also 11, took hers, too. Read more →

The family of Thomas Kingsley Lawrence certainly had a difficult mission in writing the obituary for their son, who took his own life.
They met the challenge head on, and produced one of the most courageous and honest obituaries we’ve seen. Read more →

The mug I’d chosen for the morning coffee today gave me today’s NewsCut Flashback — yeah, it’s going to be a thing for the next few months. I picked it up at Dog Mountain a few years ago, a place created first by a man and his love for dogs (specifically: his black lab, Sally). His widow, Gwen, worked hard to keep the place open. But in 2013, she killed herself, too.
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Steve Robson wrote last week about his days as an intern in in the central Queensland city of Rockhampton.
He tried to take his own life and he unburdened himself last week from his shame of not using his experience to help others.
In so doing, he learned a startling truth. Read more →
After every suicide of a high-profile person, the single piece of advice rises to an almost unimaginable decibel: Just ask for help.
That can get you tossed out of college. Read more →
Linda Kwong tried to take her own life in 2012, but she lived to talk about it publicly, something that almost never happens; we’re not that advanced yet in our willingness to talk about such things. Read more →
It was the height of the morning rush hour on I-94 below when a man perched himself on the Earl St. bridge on Wednesday. He was saved by a man who gives a rip and a six-pack of Coors Light. Read more →
Maclean’s, the magazine in Canada, series — Before You Go — collects letters from people to friends and family members, ‘because we shouldn’t have to wait until it’s too late to tell our loved ones how we really feel,’ the magazine says.
A few friends of Daphnee Levesque, a British Columbia college student, have tried to take their own lives, so in the most recent installment, she writes them letters. Read more →
Researchers from Stanford looked at data back to the ’60s, and factored in confounding things like air conditioning, income level, and gun ownership, and it has found that a monthly rise in temperature of 1 degree Celsius leads to about a 1 to 2 percent increase in the suicide rate. Read more →