The Iron Range is much like America itself. No matter what is shown on TV that’s happening between families seeking refuge in the United States, if the times are good in the wallet, politicians and voters can shake just about anything else off. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Iron Range
Some community members say they’re shocked it would ever happen in their city, but someone must’ve thought Minnesota’s Iron Range communities would be a good spot to recruit new members to the Ku Klux Klan. Read more →
The Mesabi Daily News has had it with the big-city folk trying to destroy the Iron Range’s way of life. Read more →

The people on the Iron Range, whose politics now matches the color of its topography, have a lot riding on the president’s promise to bring the steel industry back. Read more →
It’s hard not to imagine what the family might have contributed to a better Iron Range had his family spent more than a year in the Iron Range town on his way to a better life. Read more →
Like those responsible for fighting California wildfires a year ago, those in charge of quelling a wildfire on the Iron Range are frustrated with drone operators and pilots who they say are interfering with firefighting efforts.
Last year, CalFire grounded all the aircraft fighting a wildfire in the San Bernardino mountains after pilots saw two drones nearby.
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There’s really not a lot of new information in the Washington Post’s documentation today of the economic tsunami that’s wiping out the Iron Range. But the domestic economic collapse hasn’t gotten anywhere near the attention it deserves, at least from a human scale. Read more →

A movement that has been growing in parts of the U.S. has reached the Iron Range.
People are making or buying hats, scarves, and gloves and then leaving them tied to trees or other public locations for people to take if they need them.
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Minnesota Power has filed for a rate increase for residential customers because it wants to cut the rates for mining companies that are losing business to other parts of the globe. Read more →

Today’s must-read story comes from the Iron Range, where the Star Tribune this afternoon unveiled a wonderful story about the football team at Mesabi Range College.
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A mining company based in Cleveland is threatening to throw more people out of work on the Iron Range if a mining company based in India opens up a taconite plant in Nashwauk. There’s your global economy in one sentence that seems to ignore the actual people who live on the Iron Range. Read more →

By all accounts, there’ll never be another force on the Iron Range like Veda Ponikvar, of Chisholm, who died yesterday at 96. Read more →
A couple of north country newspapers are duking it out on the editorial page over an upcoming special election and the proposed copper mine on the Iron Range.
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The original article points out a troubling trend: People who find data on the Internet, slap up some Google streetview pictures, and never visit the area they’re professing to analyze.
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The Iron Range has always been the land of boom times and bust, but the country is full of decaying cities where people once waited for a bust to end and the status quo to return. Read more →