Some time ago, someone asked Nancy Dyson and Jason Jaques, of Sauk Rapids, where they could go to get a shower in the area. They had nothing to offer. So they solved the problem themselves. Read more →
Some time ago, someone asked Nancy Dyson and Jason Jaques, of Sauk Rapids, where they could go to get a shower in the area. They had nothing to offer. So they solved the problem themselves. Read more →
Teri Kinne signs up for the shifts because she’s been looking for her brother, whom she hadn’t seen in 10 years until she spotted him at an overflow shelter at the Ramsey County Law Enforcement Center not long ago, the Pioneer Press says. Read more →
Police in Fargo don’t think a woman whose body was found in a car in a shopping center died in the recent cold snap; she died several months ago. Read more →
Your daily dose of sweetness today comes the Star Tribune’s James Walsh, who has been telling us the story of Bones over the years with compassion and humanity. Read more →
Roberta Kriegh, 37, has been homeless since the dog she depended on for emotional support died. It’s hard to see how she has any path out of her problem. Read more →
The cops will move in to clear the camp on Thursday morning. That won’t be a proud day in St. Paul. Read more →
Jeremy Scott and Lori Rogers had nothing but their dog under the Highway 10 overpass. They’d been left nearby by ‘fellow travelers’ and were trying to figure out a way to get out of the cold before winter sets in. Time is running out. Read more →
It took longer than it should have for Dunkin’ Donuts to spring into action after what its employees did to a homeless man in upstate New York on Sunday night. Read more →
Here’s a piece of advice for people on mass transit who feel entitled to take a picture or video of a fellow rider: Don’t. Read more →
When a Pennsylvania couple, accused of skimming the GoFundMe money donated to help out a homeless man, made clear through their lawyer today that they’ll take the Fifth next week, let’s just say it didn’t help the image of Kate McClure, 28, and her boyfriend, Mark D’Amico, 39. Read more →
We need to give some equal time to cats in this space so here’s the story of Nighty, the black cat owned by Corey Jacob, who lives out of a van, the
Rochester Post Bulletin writes today.
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There’s a homeless encampment in Minneapolis and if there’s one thing politicians don’t want, it’s evidence of an epidemic. Read more →
We want to feel good about feel-good stories, but sometimes they leave a bad taste.
Today’s exhibit: The story of Johnny Bobbitt, the homeless man — and Marine veteran — in Philadelphia who last November gave a woman the last $20 he had, so she could buy gas for her stalled car. Read more →
In the span of just two weeks, there have been two high-profile cases of people being dumped in their hospital gowns on the street outside.
The latest is in Milwaukee where workers of the Aurora Sinai Medical Center put a homeless man out on the street after he was discharged.
Pictures showed he had a hospital gown, sweatpants, no shoes and one sock.
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Housing officials in Eau Claire says more people are going to be sleeping in cars and on the streets now that the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development has pulled funding from two agencies in the region that find housing for the homeless. Read more →