Maine’s governor says the effort by communities to remove Confederate monuments is like taking down a 9/11 memorial. No it’s not.
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Maine’s governor says the effort by communities to remove Confederate monuments is like taking down a 9/11 memorial. No it’s not.
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The man who drove a fire truck festooned with the Confederate flag at a parade in Albert Lea has defended his display in a common manner.
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Learning gaps widened between male and female students in the latest Nation’s Report Card on history, civics, and geography. Read more →
It’s probably just as well that the book reviewer for The Economist didn’t sign the review in this week’s edition of Cornell professor Edward Baptist’s book, “The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism.” The magazine has never believed in bylines. The unsigning writer makes a case, apparently, that slavery Read more →
What’s wrong with this document? An academic in New Jersey says a period after the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” appears in the official transcript of the Declaration of Independence, but not on the badly faded original that’s on display. Danielle Allen, a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, says the Read more →
America wasn’t familiar with losing astronauts when Virgil “Gus” Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee burned to death in their Apollo capsule on the launch pad during a 1967 test of their Saturn 1B rocket. We’d never lost an astronaut before Read more →
In 1950, an airliner heading for Minneapolis disappeared over Lake Michigan and has never been found. Read more →
Franklin McCain and three college classmates were the first African-Americans to sit down at a Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro, N.C. Read more →
There’s a great story behind the life of almost every World War II veteran but relatively few can match that of Bill Overstreet. Overstreet was a P-51 fighter pilot in the European theater. He flew in Chuck Yeager’s unit — the 357th Fighter Group, which shot down more German aircraft than any other unit, based Read more →
The Wright Brothers flew for the first time 110 years ago today. Read more →
Ban baby boomers http://t.co/wV8MYpfI71 — Dan D'Addario (@DPD_) November 22, 2013 Did you expect a generational dispute to break out today? From what I can tell from my Twitter feed today, a lot of people are watching either the CBS or NBC “live” feeds of this moment in 1963 today. NPR and other organizations are Read more →
A lot of people in my generation took the Kennedy assassination out on Lyndon Johnson, not because we thought he had anything to do with it, but because he wasn’t Jack Kennedy. Read more →
JFK: Maybe you can’t figure out history, why we should welcome winter, what you can do for your country, the toughest competition: girls, and the price of Bat Kid. Read more →
The reporters who buried Oswald, does Saint Paul need streetcars again, the monster in Lake Pepin, the lies we repeat about Thanksgiving shopping, and the Fox 9 reporter’s face plant. Read more →
Why are we obsessed with the Kennedy assassination, risking lives to get a viral tornado video, Ian Leonard’s concussion, the harvest in Hendricks, and there’s an ‘i’ in Grinnell. Read more →