If you were around for the assassination of President Kennedy you may find conflicting feelings about the 50th anniversary.
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If you were around for the assassination of President Kennedy you may find conflicting feelings about the 50th anniversary.
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Now we know for sure. The solar system is big. Really big. Read more →
We have a dream that people stop abusing the expression, “I have a dream” Read more →
The disappearing first-person history, bull run in Dakota County, when the carnies don’t show, when airline passengers disobey the rules, and sportswriters with short memories. Read more →
The NewsCut 4th of July tradition… The annual posting of the official News Cut July 4th observation: And here’s why there’s a 4th of July, and why we should be off all week. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them Read more →
Team Josh, Gettysburg at 150, a special session for the Internet tax, why don’t people like books anymore, and Lake Pepin with glorious weather. Read more →
Next week is the 4th of July, a day we honor our declaration of freedom to pursue happiness, if not outright attain it. Just one question: What is this happiness we are told we can pursue? Time’s cover story this week considers whether the Founding Fathers’ view of the word is the same as the Read more →
There are war criminals and there are war criminals. Today’s Associated Press report that a Nazi responsible for wiping out a village is living in Minneapolis has gotten well-deserved attention and it’s instigated a debate on the proper U.S. response to the revelation. We understandably are repulsed at the very notion that someone could slaughter Read more →
In a lot of metro school districts, the last days of school often include a trip to Valleyfair or a day playing outside, what with the grades already being in and all. Out in Hendricks, Minnesota, though, the kids learn right up until the end. Each year there’s a field trip to the Lincoln County Read more →
A World War II bomber is raised from the English Channel, more than 70 years after it crashed. Read more →
It was 45 years ago today that Sirhan Sirhan shot and killed Robert F. Kennedy after a celebration over Kennedy’s win in the California presidential primary. Read more →