Teresita Diaz, 17, a junior at Park Rapids Area High School, wants you to know she’s not disrespecting the flag when she sits down and quietly faces it while others recite the Pledge of Allegiance, perhaps without thinking about the words they’re saying. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Flag
A Minnesota delegate shows off her American flag shawl, which breaks any number of guidelines in the U.S. Flag Code Read more →

Our correspondent in the western part of the state caused a mini-uproar in his community a few weeks ago when he suggested after Gov. Mark Dayton ordered flags at half staff in memory of those slaughtered in the Pulse nightclub attack that maybe we’ve taken this half-staff thing too far. Read more →

It’s Flag Day, the annual NewsCut tradition of which requires us to cite — and maybe mock a bit — the way people show their love for the American flag, often by abusing it. Read more →

A state senator in Milwaukee is finding that Facebook can be dangerous for a reputation.
Lena Taylor was downtown last night when she snapped this picture of a protest during the debate of Republican presidential candidates. Read more →
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that a school district in California was within its rights when it ordered kids who wore T-shirts adorned with the American flag to turn them inside out. Read more →

An attempt to honor veterans is revealing an ongoing — and somewhat generational — split among veterans over the question of who can salute the flag. Read more →