We’re probably never going to see the full Mueller report on Russia’s interference in the 2016 election in support of the person who won the election, but a group of psychiatrists have used the redacted version to offer a clinical diagnosis of the president’s mental health. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Donald Trump
Add ‘I just wanted to hang on to read the Mueller investigation’ to ‘I wish I’d spent more time at the office’ among phrases that shouldn’t be our last words. Read more →
A student in California is protesting her high school’s refusal to allow her to wear her MAGA hat. The news here, of course, is that the high school kids may actually be motivated by her complaint to read and study the U.S. Constitution. Read more →
Brainerd school authorities are promising to get to the bottom of who posted an anti-Trump meme to the Garfield Elementary School’s Facebook page on Saturday. Read more →

President Trump has made his wealth a big story for his entire life. It’s the very underpinning of his popularity. Now the New York Times has published a blockbuster story about how he got rich, and it seems to be lost in the usual noise that surrounds this president.
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NBC has something going for it in defending an attack on its station licenses, however. The FCC historically couldn’t care less about ‘serving the public interest’, the mission under which the licenses are issued. Read more →
There’s nothing particularly surprising about President Donald Trump’s rejection of a White House statement praising the late Sen. John McCain on Saturday. What’s surprising is people expected something different. Read more →
If there’s one radio listener complaint that’s as predictable as rain, referring to the person in the Oval Office as ‘President’ or ‘Mr.’ is it. Read more →
USA Today isn’t exactly the official paper of bomb-throwing Socialists. Neither does it have the journalistic heft of the Washington Post or New York Times. So there’s plenty of reasons for those who want to ignore its editorial today to ignore it, if they so choose. Read more →
Three days after someone bombed out the imam’s office at the Bloomington’s Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center with an improvised explosive device, the White House is weighing in. Read more →

David Brooks, the New York Times columnist, has never been on the Donald Trump bandwagon. Nonetheless, the more conservative (for the Times) columnist’s essay today is a bit stunning if only for the headline one doesn’t usually read about a sitting president of the United States.
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The move comes primarily on the recommendation of Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, who objected to the fact James Comey closed the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails, according to his letter released today.
Obviously, this is a developing story, but it seems like an appropriate time for an open thread for your opinions and analysis. Read more →

The White House reportedly cites a scheduling conflict, but there are other possible reasons. First, presidents rarely look good throwing baseballs and, second, as President Obama found out in 2010, it’s a good way to be reminded how much the fans hate you. Read more →

President Trump reportedly suggests Jews and Democrats are responsible for a wave of anti-Semitism in the United States. Read more →