The question of rebuking anti-Semitism should be a hanging slider that any president could hit out of the park. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Donald Trump

The people on the Iron Range, whose politics now matches the color of its topography, have a lot riding on the president’s promise to bring the steel industry back. Read more →
The 2016 stabbing was among dozens of incidents the president accused the media of underreporting. But there was plenty of reporting. Read more →
When we heard NPR’s segment the other morning about why the network didn’t refer to Donald Trump’s repeated assertion that millions of illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton, denying him a popular vote victory, a ‘lie’ we figured that NPR’s ombudsman would surely hear about it. She did. And she’s issued her ruling. Read more →

The latest volley over whether journalist should say Donald Trump is lying comes after he indicated this week that he would have won the popular vote for president had it not been for voter fraud. There’s no evidence that’s the case, nor is it the first time the president has repeated the falsehood nor been told it’s a falsehood. Read more →

To find out about America, Politico senior writer Michael Kruse headed for the banks of the Mississippi River in Wisconsin. Pepin County — Stockholm, Pepin, Durand etc. — voted for a Democrat in every election since 1972.
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Last week’s revelation about a private intelligence report allegedly claiming Russia has gathered compromising data about president-elect Donald Trump is challenging news organizations to figure out when they should report unsubstantiated information. Read more →

We’re just a few weeks away from inaugurating a president whom most Americans believe won’t be very good at the job, according to a Gallup poll released today.
Even President Obama, who couldn’t work with Congress, is rated higher in the ability to get things through Congress than Trump, even though the House and Senate are both in the control of the party that annointed Trump. Read more →
It’s hard to imagine a quicker path to a civil war than if a legally elected person were denied the presidency. Read more →

Trump is appointing Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., as the new secretary of health and human services, the perfect person, Vox says, to roll back health care coverage, an issue Democrats were too afraid to defend in the recent election.
Price is one of the few Republicans in Congress who actually has proposed health care legislation in the post-Obamacare world. Read more →
It’s not often you hear coaches of professional sports teams dissecting the political scene in America, but San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich, probably the best basketball coach in America, isn’t an ordinary coach, and he’s never suffered fools gladly. Read more →

Donald Trump’s broadside against Somali immigrants in Minnesota is reminiscent of a similar attack he delivered a few months ago in Maine, an attack that prompted the decent people of Maine to rally around their fellow citizens. Read more →

This picture, taken at Sunday’s rally for Donald Trump at Sun Country Airlines, is racing across the Internet Read more →

I’m probably in the minority given that I was disappointed — again — when the final Clinton-Trump debate ended. I’ve never seen anything in the American experience that’s quite like this, of course. And yet, I can’t look away. Read more →