‘Ping Pong’ is the answer to the question humankind can’t stop asking: Who’s a good dog? Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Dogs

The Boston Globe says vets are seeing more cases of people giving their dogs marijuana to treat what ails them. Read more →
Judging by the news of the last few days, it’s clear that — at least for the moment — humans are incapable of providing our daily dose of sweetness, so we’re turning to Kratu, the rescue dog, who was entered in Crufts, billed as the ‘world’s greatest dog show’ in the UK. Read more →
The horrible story out of Staples, Minn., is a major test of the ability of us to forgive. Read more →
Every once in awhile, a day comes along when a simple tweet captures everything that is good in the world.
Today is that day.
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If there’s a little bit of love left in the world, the internet should do that thing it does for Jay Mitchell, whose story on the front-page of the Star Tribune today will bring out the feels, including a fair amount of anger that he faced what he faced. Read more →
No more entries, please, we have a winner in the competition to see how many sleds sled dogs can pull. Ten. This is how folks in northern Minnesota survive winter. Read more →

Ruth Graham, who writes for Slate, probably is a cat lover. Read more →

A new journal article says dogs fared poorly compared to cats, wolves, chimps and pigeons when it came to intelligence, But there’s something pigeons, wolves and chimps can’t do: keep you alive. Read more →
The crew was dropping water on the so-called Woolsey Fire earlier this month when it got a call to rescue people trapped on a mountain top. Read more →

The mug I’d chosen for the morning coffee today gave me today’s NewsCut Flashback — yeah, it’s going to be a thing for the next few months. I picked it up at Dog Mountain a few years ago, a place created first by a man and his love for dogs (specifically: his black lab, Sally). His widow, Gwen, worked hard to keep the place open. But in 2013, she killed herself, too.
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Who’s a good dog? Who’s a good dog? Milo the pit bull is a good dog. Oh, yes he is. Read more →
Whenever I feel sad — and there is plenty to feel sad about right now — I look to the world’s most perfect creature. What would dog do? They would jump in leaves, that’s what. Read more →
It turns out the hamburglar is a dog named Princess. Read more →
Bureaucrats have apparently survived the flooding in North Carolina and, perhaps, things aren’t as bad there as we’ve been led to believe because a woman has been arrested for rescuing animals from the flood. Read more →