Calm down, Wisconsin. Jordy Nelson and Randall Cobb are not on fire.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Advertising & marketing

There was a moment last night when baseball fans watching the World Series were reminded that baseball stadiums are basically studios for a TV production. What you see isn’t what’s really there. Read more →

We’ve always enjoyed watching our graphics design friends see things that we can’t; it’s what keeps them in business what with the freshness and newness of their messaging.
Does it make a difference? You decide. Read more →
Burger King isn’t the type of brand that tackles important issues — it’s a hamburger joint, afterall — but that’s what it’s done this week with an ad against bullying. Read more →

The motorcycle company needed a town to use for a promotion showing how easy it is to learn to ride a motorcycle. The town’s water tower needed a coat of paint. Read more →

Over the last several years, General Mills’ Cheerios brand has carved out a nice reputation for itself with marketing that stresses, shall we say, more modern-day values.
Advertisements weren’t afraid of multi-cultural families, for example.
Now a new ad, debuting this week, is getting attention for take the theme deeper with rapid-fire multi-culturalism. Read more →

In the category of ‘out of touch with 2017’, few are so deserving of ridicule as the people who make their living in the advertising business, consistently cranking out material that offends people and then claiming they had no idea it would. Read more →
We’ll cop to swearing as much as the next blogger, but Kraft Macaroni and Cheese’s new campaign to capitalize on America’s most overrated ‘holiday’ is making us blush a bit.
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When is soon too soon in social media marketing that uses the worst day a man had as the foundation of a Twitter joke? Two brands are testing the question; one has already conceded defeat. Read more →
A construction company in La Crosse, Wis., is taking down employment billboards that featured a #NoSnowflakes hashtag, but not because of pressure. Read more →
Royal Jordanian Airlines, one of the airlines affected by a U.S. and U.K. ban on laptops and electronic devices, wins the Internet for turning the ban into a social media campaign. Read more →

It was — and is — bad enough when the Mayo Clinic Lynx became the first major sports team in this area to plaster advertising on their uniforms. They did so with good reason; the WNBA is still a struggling league. Its step-parent — the National Basketball Association — is not. The owners, thanks to a rich new TV deal, can’t count their money fast enough to keep up. Read more →
The White House’s video touting the website where people can shop for health insurance is a little like John Belushi’s last attempt to rally his beaten frat brothers in Animal House.
But as a “bit”, it’s got legs. Read more →

‘The new brand will increase recognition, build trust (especially around cyber security), and change the story about what it means to work for and do business with the State of Minnesota,’ MnDOT said on its website. Read more →
James Delligatti has died and he probably accomplished a lot more in his 98 years other than making a burger, but nobody’s going to be talking about that today because
Delligatti invented the Big Mac. Read more →