A food company tries to get away with porn references in its Super Bowl ad. It didn’t work. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Advertising & marketing

We interrupt our blog posting to reveal that the Budweiser Super Bowl ad, which previously and traditionally focused on Clydesdales and puppies, is heavy on the Dylan this year. Read more →

The now infamous Gillette ad audaciously suggesting that men treat women with respect and police the ones who don’t, has accomplished its mission of opening a discussion. It also required us — again — to listen to the sound of a million hissyfits by men who don’t have much to offer after ‘hey, baby!’ Read more →

You’d have to be at the end of your rope to stick your resume on a race car, but that’s a promotion a beer company is planning for NASCAR’s South Point 400 in Las Vegas. Read more →
In Russia, nothing sells burgers like a promotion offering free Whoppers to women who agree to get impregnated by soccer players in the World Cup.
Burger King has now apologized for the promotion. Read more →
After several weeks of trying, Gina Smith, has an answer from Nino Niederreiter of the Minnesota Wild, whom she asked to go to a #TwitterProm to raise money for Children’s Hospitals & Clinics tomorrow. Read more →

In the category of advertising icons, few can top Ray Szmanda, even if few people know his given name. Read more →
In Pequot Lakes, beauty is going to take a back seat to business and, somewhere, Lady Bird Johnson is rolling over in her grave. Read more →

Really, since Paul Wellstone and Jesse Ventura (both iconic ads produced by the same ad agency), when’s the last time there was a memorable political ad around here that you’d want to drop what you’re doing to watch?
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Motorola has spent a lot of money trying to get you addicted to your smartphone. It’s worked splendidly; people are spending most of their days looking at their phone.
So color us skeptical about a new series of ads from the tech giant lamenting that what they wanted to happen happened. Read more →

That tender Comcast tribute to Jesse Diggins hometown of Afton appears to actually be Stillwater. Read more →
The lure of the Super Bowl ad has been fading in recent years, perhaps as the suspense of the actual game has increased. But Super Bowl ads aren’t what they once were, forcing ad agencies to come up with something more clever.
Now, Skittles has. Read more →

A Rochester brewpub’s beer label is intended to show that the perception of women is not what it may seem. Or so Grand Rounds Brewing CEO Tessa Leung tells
KIMT, defending the label against an assertion by a local pastor that it’s offensive. Read more →

This year’s ads are again dominated by firms in the UK. The ads are better and richer there for some reason. Do we Americans not have the ability to imagine that a carrot would take a bullet — the role is played by a pea — for another carrot?
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Modist Brewing Company in Minneapolis got a cease-and-desist order in the sweetest way from a titan of the brewing industry.
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