The AP’s reporting leaves just one big mystery: Why did they make it all up? Read more →
The AP’s reporting leaves just one big mystery: Why did they make it all up? Read more →
Gophers men’s basketball coach Richard Pitino doesn’t want to know what you think about him or his team during the season. So his Twitter account is going dark until March. Read more →
Everything portraying the frustration and uselessness in efforts to curb drunk driving in Minnesota was on display in a courtroom in Le Center Monday when Kimberly Stangler got a year in jail for killing a motorcyclist last October.
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In Pillager, Minn., Noah Brogle, 16, loves recycling more than high school football.
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Maybe there was a time when dressing up as a Ku Klux Klan member would have earned some scorn, but, at least in Horace, N.D. (southwest of Fargo), those days are apparently over. Read more →
Generations are growing up now, having no idea of the glue that people like Erickson and his long-time radio partner Charlie Boone, provided to make a community a community. But generations of people, also declining in number, did. At one point, half of all radios in Minnesota were tuned to WCCO. Read more →
You’re living a pretty good life in rural New Hampshire, the foliage is beautiful, the scenery along the river is lovely, and then it starts raining and doesn’t quit and, the next thing you know, your house is floating away until it’s destroyed by a bridge. Read more →
Adam Mohammed Amer figured to be like a lot of five-year-old kids who are invited to visit the cockpit of an airliner, in this case Etihad Airways of Abu Dhabi.
You know how this goes: Give the kid a look, and watch him be amazed.
It didn’t turn out that way. The kid probably could’ve flown the plane. Read more →
Calm down, Wisconsin. Jordy Nelson and Randall Cobb are not on fire.
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Americans are not particularly financially literate, and that may be a help to Republicans who are trying to get a tax “reform” package through Congress.
We tend not to save for retirements and with the proposed lowering of the contribution limit to $2,400 for 401(k) plans, that’s not going to be a situation that’ll improve. Read more →
Of all the stranger things in the world, few mysteries are as hot right now as how a 1980’s Science Museum of Minnesota sweatshirt ended up with Dustin on Stranger Things 2, a series set in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana. Read more →
We can now add Halloween to life’s pressures, another sign that the apocalypse is upon us.
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There are really only two ways to enjoy the World Series. One is to actually buy a ticket and be at the game. The other is to to work the third shift somewhere and watch it on TV.
Once again last night — or was it this morning? — the game ended with late action in a 13-to-12 Houston victory over the Dodgers.
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It’s believed to be the oldest ballroom in the state, tracing its ancestry to 1928, when Ben and Anna Zahler built the place. They sold it to their son and for several decades it served as a popular polka venue as one Zahler generation sold it to the next. Read more →
At Boston University’s annual pumpkin drop, pumpkins land on a canvas, which is then hung on a wall in the physics departent as a testament to the scientific fact that not everything has to be about something. Read more →