Next to the Super Bowl, this is the time of the year when some pretty fair advertising brains churn out some videos worth watching for the holidays. So far this year, we’ve found five that fit the bill. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Advertising & marketing
It says something about the state of the United States when the political ad worth watching is one for dog food. Read more →
It’s quite a parade and party going on this afternoon in Chicago, where tens of thousands of fans are celebrating the Cubs’ World Series victory of Wednesday night.
But Budweiser won the week, too, with its well-timed revival of long-dead Harry Caray, the team’s broadcaster from back when they weren’t very good. Read more →
We kind of have a ‘thing’ for promotional videos for cities in Minnesota, so we’re watching a new one for Hopkins. Read more →

Is life in America as horrible as Donald Trump painted during last night’s speech? It all depends on whether you like Donald Trump. It always does with presidential campaign messages. Read more →

There’s no real reason for the ‘1st’ sign other than its historical significance. First National Bank was absorbed into a series of mergers years ago. But we tend to fall in love with these sorts of things over time. Read more →
It is the end of the NBA season and the end of the line for “Black Mamba,” Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers, the recipient of a generation’s worth of hate, not always because of basketball. Read more →
If you spend any time at all watching commercial TV, perhaps you’ve marveled at the notion that some people get up and go to work in the morning and sit in meetings and come up with the most inane ideas to turn into a product commercial.
Someone got up one morning, went to work, and thought this was good idea. Read more →
Thanks to the migration patterns of previous centuries, people from Sweden aren’t the exotic species in Minnesota that they might be elsewhere.
But I couldn’t ignore the invitation of the Swedish Tourist Association to call a ‘random Swede,’ part of its campaign to get people to know the place. Read more →
Each year, the employees and associates of StoneArch, a Minneapolis firm, spend 24 hours redesigning websites, logos, letterheads and advertising for a selected non-profit organization that usually can’t afford to do it. Read more →

Aside from the intriguing marketing history, what we liked best about the deep dive into General Mills from CBS Sunday Morning today was the notion that people use protective gloves to handle old boxes of Wheaties. Read more →
Zeus McClurkin makes some basketball magic in the skies above Nickelodeon Universe. Read more →
Nobody knows how to sell you a box of cereal like General Mills, whose various ad campaigns for Cheerios have tapped into social change and, at least to some degree, propelled it.
General Mills Canada this month, a Cheerios-branded campaign focused on another species: bees.
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If your company wants to document people who have made a difference in society, it’s better to just to ignore people who made a difference in society because society rarely changes calmly.
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It’s just an ad, but it’s a start.
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