Giggle if you must, but maybe you’ve never been overwhelmed by the trauma of learning math. Numbers, nothing but numbers that are all supposed to fit somewhere.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: 9/11

We shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves. We shouldn’t be so hard on each other. Read more →
Despite a rejection of a Student Association resolution calling for a campus-wide moment of recognition on 9/11, the University of Minnesota today said it intends to honor victims of the attacks each year.
The U of M news release today responded to news reports about the Student Association’s vote, which came after MSA representative and Director of Diversity and Inclusion David Algadi said it might inflame anti-Muslim sentiment. But it reaffirmed a statement from the Minnesota Student Association which said the resolution was voted down because of uncertainty about the logistics of a campus-wide moment of recognition. Read more →

The University of Minnesota is in the national debate this afternoon because of a decision last week by the Minnesota Student Association to reject a resolution calling for a moment of recognition every 9/11. Read more →

In the aftermath of 9/11, I’d forgotten how offended I was to stand on a public street and be asked — a demand really — to prove who I was to people who weren’t public servants. Read more →

This picture of Marcy Borders, taken just after the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed, was one of the more iconic images of September 11, 2001. Read more →
The online world has been really good at finding the people captured in torn or faded pictures found or possessed by strangers. Here’s another opportunity. Read more →

Are companies really sincerely honoring the victims of 9/11 with their messaging? Or are they simply using the anniversary to push the brand? Read more →
Steve Kandell of BuzzFeed lost his sister in the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings and decided to check out the Museum. In particular, he gives a different sort of voice to the issue of the Museum also being a cemetery. Read more →

It was no surprise, really, when the hucksters and street vendors showed up around the site of World Trade Center buildings while the holes in the ground were still smoking in 2001. We don’t expect much in the way of decency when there’s a quick buck to be made. But the new 9/11 Museum that opened last week is also cashing in on the collapse, to the consternation of family members of those killed. Read more →

Each speaker tried the impossible today: finding the rhetoric to describe meaning to the day two planes destroyed the icons of American financial power in the world. But words seemed to fail them all. Things don’t fail, however. The red bandanna Welles Crowther used to protect himself while he helped people out of the buildings and which was later used to identify his body. There are wallets and shoes that are now part of the museum. Read more →
Raymond Callihan, 72, will be taken off life support in the next few days; he suffered an apparent heart attack while eating breakfast last week, according to WCCO.
Would it have made a difference if Minneapolis’ 911 operators had answered Arcola Tullis’ call for help? Read more →

Distasteful or not? AT&T has apologized for posting this picture on Twitter and Facebook today: “We apologize to anyone who felt our post was in poor taste. The image was solely meant to pay respect to those affected by the 9/11 tragedy,” the company wrote. But the Ad Freak blog notes that AT&T posted a Read more →

The day terrorists hit a lucky shot, with this ring she brought jobs to Minnesota, the failure of the railroad vision, the Star Tribune Bachmann editorial, and the people who wash windows. Read more →