Spending an afternoon with a 100-year-old person is an invitation to examine how we square the daily reality that life alternates trying to kill us and trying to soothe us. Read more →
Spending an afternoon with a 100-year-old person is an invitation to examine how we square the daily reality that life alternates trying to kill us and trying to soothe us. Read more →
As of today, I’ve written 14,318 NewsCut posts and I can tell you a story about most of them, including my favorite interviews with people that made me thankful I got into this line of work.
If there are afternoons I’ve enjoyed more than August 7, 2013, I can’t think of them. Read more →
Brent Olson had big plans for his Bush Foundation grant in Clinton, Minn. He would reopen a closed cafe and try to give people a reason to stay and live in a declining small town. How has it worked out? Read more →
Like most great performers, Stephen Dragert Gallivan is a shy guy. Put him in a seersucker suit, stick him on a tricycle, and give him ice cream to sell, however, and he’s Wally Wonka. Read more →
For hundreds of people in the Twin Cities, the difference between homelessness and a more stable existence is a pair of black, no-slip shoes. Or barber tools. Or a bus pass. Or work clothes. Or an electrician’s license renewal. Read more →
The bus stop cookie lady has been shut down. Somebody blew the whistle on her. Read more →
There are only nine left in Glen’s Coffee Clique Last Man Club. Read more →
Wendy DeGeest once planned a life as an elementary school teacher. Then she found the kids who really needed her and everything became clear. It was the 1980s and Pine City, Minn., needed a special education teacher. Growing up in a family that struggled with mental illness, DeGeest knew something about the wayward ways of Read more →