Look, if a Red Sox fan can give a baseball to a Yankees fan and find the joy in doing so, anything in the world is possible.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
People doing good

Thomas Prado’s heroism has us considering to what extent we’re willing to risk our own lives to help someone else. Read more →
Steve Hiniker, of Madison, Wis., lost his wallet. Last May he stopped in to buy some power bars while bicycling in the Czech Republic. He accidentally left it in a small store in Litomerice, about 40 miles from Prague Read more →
It was the height of the morning rush hour on I-94 below when a man perched himself on the Earl St. bridge on Wednesday. He was saved by a man who gives a rip and a six-pack of Coors Light. Read more →
Always give the baseball to a kid. Read more →

KARE 11 reports an immigrant from Ecuador, who raised enough money to buy her own ice cream truck, was attacked at a park in northeast Minneapolis last month by a person who slashed the tires on the business. “Said we were illegal and that we were parked illegally and that we were illegal and he Read more →
Waylon Klitzman was just looking to honor a beloved teacher whose 4-year-old niece was battling a rare form of cancer. He did not expect his effort would become “Waylon’s $10,000 Pig” and draw the attention of the Washington Post. Read more →
The U.S. men’s curling team relied on skill as it won Olympic gold earlier this year. But team member John Landsteiner’s Olympic ring being found after he lost it on a California beach last month? That’s thanks to a tremendous amount of luck. Read more →

Jaequan Faulkner, 13, the Minneapolis kid who’s made national news because a city helped him get the licenses he needed to be the hot dog king of the North Side, is going pretty well for himself these days. Read more →
When’s the last time you got off the couch and joined in a search because the media carried yet another story about a missing woman? Read more →
An update from Chicago, via the Chicago Tribune, settles the story of the guy at a game at Wrigley Field yesterday who appeared to take the ball from a kid in the first row. Read more →
The Lopez family has been stranded in Costa Rica because 3-year-old son Axel was injured during the trip and is in a cast, unable to fly on a commercial flight. Read more →

There’s a story racing around the internet today of just how far a person will go to get to work on time and, predictably and understandably, the reaction to it is an expression of just how uncommon it is. But it’s not. The world is full of hard workers who are invisible to many of us, because we’re asleep or we don’t know their story. Read more →
Kimberly Bermudez, who teaches in Chicago, was on a flight to Florida the other day when she and her seatmate got to know each other and he asked her what she does for a living. Read more →

How inspiring Minnesotans find Smith’s story will be determined by how many Minnesotans go out and cut someone else’s grass this week. Read more →