The world would be a better place if we could all be more child-like, perhaps like the kids who waited patiently for a half hour today for the physics students at Boston University to throw pumpkins off a building.
Scroll ahead to 28:38 and enjoy the screams of pumpkiny delight.
It's that time again: the Boston University Physics Department annual Pumpkin Drop. Watch a bunch of pumpkins get chucked off a building. http://bit.ly/2yR0cbN
Posted by The Boston Globe on Friday, October 27, 2017
Students in the department have spent a couple of days scooping out the pumpkins and filling them with whipped cream and colored paint, insisting absurdly that it had something to do with getting kids interested in physics and the sciences.
It doesn’t, of course. It has to do with smashing pumpkins.
The pumpkins land on a canvas, which is then hung on a wall as a testament to the scientific fact that not everything has to be about something.