Rep. Tony Cornish is getting plenty of attention and, judging by the comments on the Star Tribune website, applause for his letter to the editor in the paper today. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for June 2016

Robert Rearson, of St. Paul, was a flyboy of the first order for Northwest Airlines, although he wasn’t a pilot.
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here’s quite a brouhaha in North Dakota because the interim president of a university made a political endorsement, igniting a debate over whether the heads of academic institutions should be involved in partisan politics. Read more →

The Toronto Star faced an unusual ethical dilemma when Raveena Aulakh left instructions that the paper should not write about her death.
She took her own life in late May.
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A St. Cloud lawyer wants Minnesota’s two U.S. senators to get behind a push that would allow student loan debt to be wiped out in bankruptcy. Read more →
The crosswalks in or near downtown are virtually lawless as drivers violate the law with impunity. Read more →

If you’re a kid and you’re lucky and you like baseball, you grew up in Owatonna, because then you probably learned about the game from Chuck Fuller, known as ‘Mr. Baseball’ around those parts. If you didn’t know him, maybe you knew someone like him in your youth, again, assuming you were lucky. Read more →

People can obviously disagree on the answer. But we can’t have that discussion if nobody is pressing politicians to explain what is it specifically about an issue or policy that makes racism an acceptable alternative. Read more →

Austin Hancock, who opened fire in a school cafeteria of an Ohio junior-senior high school in February, was sentenced yesterday to six years in the Ohio Department of Youth Services. He’s 15. He’ll be released when he’s 21. Read more →
Worcester Polytechnic Institute attorneys argue the victim engaged in risky behavior, including excessive drinking, on the night that a security guard at her university-leased apartment building lured her to the roof and attacked her. Read more →
The Pioneer Press reports that Sgt. Bobby Lambert goes before the City Council tonight after the city’s police chief recommend he be fired for mistakes he made while investigating a drug-overdose death. What mistakes? Nobody will say, of course.
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No doubt some people will note that Bill Boegeman, a social studies teacher from Minneapolis, has a luxury few other people have — a summer off. That’s often how people dismiss the perspective that teachers occasionally provide to us about what it’s like to be a teacher. As if one negates the other. Read more →
There will be a ‘Night of the Gun’ mini-series, Sony pictures announced today. Read more →

Donald Trump today called on America to honor the fallen heroes of D-Day by posting a picture that wasn’t from D-Day. Read more →
Joseph T. Deters, the prosecutor in Cincinnati, today provided the details the Internet didn’t bother waiting for a week or so ago when a young boy fell into a gorilla enclosure at the zoo. Read more →