A sample of some of the nation’s editorials in the wake of Sunday morning’s mass killings in Orlando:
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A sample of some of the nation’s editorials in the wake of Sunday morning’s mass killings in Orlando:
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I’ve been off the grid for a few days and am just back in town, so there’s not a lot of insight I’m able to offer in the wake of the largest mass murder in U.S. history, except that I expect the public discourse over the next few days will follow a well-traveled template. So Read more →
The growing chorus against passion increasingly seems like the logical follow-up to the campaign against education in the form of anti-intellectualism and ‘elitism.’ Read more →
In this state where 1 in every 7 drivers has a DWI conviction, the crime is a big joke to even the people talking a good game about stopping drunk driving. Read more →
If you are a bike rider, you probably know the frustration of pulling up to an intersection where pressure plates or other gizmos force a light to turn green for cars. Bikes? Too light. So a cyclist has to hit the ‘walk’ button.
So MnDOT’s experiment in Northfield is pretty significant. Read more →
Some people might see this video only as a phone ad. I prefer to see it as an ad for one of the greatest communities in Minnesota: Montevideo.
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Asked by Jimmy Fallon if he’s watched election coverage, President Barack Obama said he’s been watching his new favorite show, ‘Orange Is Not the New Black.’
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Angie Nichols, the former director of the University of Minnesota Duluth’s Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Services Office, is suing the Board of Regents, claiming the school retaliated against her through months of discrimination based on her sexual orientation and disability.
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The world needs more dog stories. So here’s a dog story, world. Read more →
Mikhael Teryohin, an engineer at a software company in Fargo, is worried about people across the border and the threat they represent to the hard-working people in his area. They could, for example, steal their jobs. Read more →
Minneapolis woman: Staying silent hasn’t made the emotional scars go away, she writes, ‘and it hasn’t held the men who victimized me responsible for what they did to and stole from me. I’ve realized all too late that our voices are our strongest asset.’ Read more →
Star Tribune columnist Patrick Reusse appears to have stepped in it again with a column today in which he lambastes the Minnesota Twins players for celebrating when they win a game. The Star Tribune sports department must be an utterly joyless place because this is the sort of thing that Reusse says is shameful. Parents: Read more →
There’s really no way to avoid a public spectacle when you’re a baseball player and you take one in the babymakers. Read more →
Tomorrow night, people will sacrifice their children to give him polite applause and then, like Ortiz, they’ll move on.
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It was surprising that a journalistically conservative news organization like the Associated Press would make the announcement it made Monday night, but it counted the noses, had the data, and reported what it knew. The superdelegates in the Clinton camp aren’t bound — as normal delegates are — but the reality is at this stage of the game, they weren’t going to change their minds. Nonetheless, it felt like it was at least on the edges of ‘hey, close enough’ journalism. Read more →