The court ruled in the case of Somsalao Thonesavanh, who jumped in the car of a Worthington man as he left it warming up in December 2014. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for June 2016

There’s an odd result when you try to find the mugshot for Brock Turner, the Stanford swimmer who got a slap on the wrist for raping a woman.
It’s impossible to find. Read more →

Ricky Rubio is threatening to leave the team if the Timberwolves don’t make the playoffs next season, according to ESPN.
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Seldom have we seen the sort of must-read series (and a spectacular online component) that the Star Tribune is providing this week, starting yesterday. The paper is looking at one of the least-covered scandals in Minnesota and the rest of the country: the lack of knowledge on the part of police when it comes to answering calls involving the mentally ill.
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My profound sense of sadness on news of his death mirrors the profound sense of sadness I had about his life: specifically, the treatment he received because opposed the war in Vietnam.
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Should people serve life sentences for dealing two kilograms of cocaine?
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He warmed up the crowd with the usual actor-turned-commencement-speaker stuff, and then took a flamethrower to the political and financial class. Read more →
It’s not that the bike shops are foisting this on parents; they’re trying to meet the demand of parents, the Boston Globe says. Read more →
Carol Mahr, 81, gave some money to a presidential candidate. She’s been paying for it ever since. Read more →
Economics, they say, is an inexact science and nobody proves it on a regular basis like economists.
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The thing about sectarian violence — and that’s what we must call political violence these days — is those who commit it will usually defend it in the most noble of terms.
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Should we try to make a living at what we love? Or should we just concentrate on making a living? Read more →

The young man says if his father does it again, he’ll call the eye doctor next time. Read more →
The man drove from Minnesota to Los Angeles, where he apparently shot and killed his mentor at UCLA. Read more →
If you want to succeed in life, kid, you have to have goals. That’s why Brian Ayer’s mom has him set a goal at the beginning of each school year in Sauk Rapids, Minn. Read more →