An East Grand Forks teacher sent an e-mail criticizing some students in an English as a Second Language (ESL) class for not showing up regularly for class. So the school district suspended him for two weeks? Why? The school district won’t say. Read more →
MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Archives for October 2015
That’s a wrap. There are no more myths. So Mythbusters will soon be no more, it was announced today. Read more →

Petra Laszlo, the woman who tripped refugees while filming them escaping from custody in Hungary last month, certainly has a knack for public relations. Read more →
Many men have a difficult time recognizing this reality. Why? What threat does recognizing it present?
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Greta Perske of Sartell, Minn., was 15 years old in 2006 when she was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia. She got to dance at her wedding recently with the man whose marrow made a wedding day possible. Read more →

There isn’t a lot of deep thinking in Back to the Future, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot to think about, including the deepest: our inability to understand the relativity of time.
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Yussuf, 23, is trying to get to Minneapolis from Somalia. His route here isn’t what you might think.
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You have to give the Anoka-Hennepin school district, the largest in the state, credit for not exposing itself to the usual headline-inducing solution to parents who don’t pay for their kids’ school lunches.
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The latest trailer for the upcoming Star Wars evokes resonates in a manner I have not felt since I was in the presence of a childhood VHS cassette. Read more →
How hard do the old-timers work to make Millennials look like jerks? Really hard. Read more →
Animal rights activists are calling for a boycott of products that use coconuts harvested by monkeys. The practice is common in Thailand where pigtail macaques are trained to scurry up trees and pick hundreds of coconuts a day. Read more →

Jesse Ventura won $1.8 million in his defamation suit against ‘American Sniper’ author Chris Kyle. In an appeal of that award, judges today focused less on free speech and more on a single comment from Ventura’s lawyer. Read more →
Evan Leversage, a 7-year-old boy with brain cancer, isn’t expected to live until Christmas. So the people of St. George, Ontario are messing with the calendar to bring in the holiday season early. Read more →
A single-parent, nursing student writes in a commentary today that the Strib ignored a huge side of the debate: hers. Read more →
In Federal Court in St. Paul tomorrow, attorneys for the estate of ‘American Sniper’ Chris Kyle will try to convince a panel to overturn the $1.8 million award a jury gave to former Gov. Jesse Ventura in a defamation lawsuit. Kyle, without mentioning Ventura, claimed in a book that he “laid” him out on the floor after he was “running his mouth” about the war in Iraq and President George W. Bush.
But the court will be very much focusing on the New York Times, Martin Luther King Jr., four members of the clergy in Alabama, and the man who was in charge of police and fire there, because the case is a test of the Supreme Court decision that defined defamation of libel in America when it involves public figures Read more →