The American Bar Association says that only 60 percent of the people who graduated law school in 2015 have jobs in the legal business. That statistic is contained in a New York Times story on the University of Minnesota’s effort to cut the number of admissions to its law school.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: University of Minnesota

The stench from the U of M athletic department has only gotten stronger since the academic scandal under Clem Haskins. So we’ve gotten better at holding our nose.
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Luke McAvoy, an offensive lineman for the University of Minnesota Gophers football team from 2011-2014, was in a difficult spot during the same-sex marriage debate in Minnesota at the time.
While his teammates all had opinions of the issue, McAvoy kept quiet. He hadn’t yet told the team that he’s gay. Read more →
The University of Minnesota football program can never seem to get out of its own way.
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Despite a rejection of a Student Association resolution calling for a campus-wide moment of recognition on 9/11, the University of Minnesota today said it intends to honor victims of the attacks each year.
The U of M news release today responded to news reports about the Student Association’s vote, which came after MSA representative and Director of Diversity and Inclusion David Algadi said it might inflame anti-Muslim sentiment. But it reaffirmed a statement from the Minnesota Student Association which said the resolution was voted down because of uncertainty about the logistics of a campus-wide moment of recognition. Read more →

The University of Minnesota is in the national debate this afternoon because of a decision last week by the Minnesota Student Association to reject a resolution calling for a moment of recognition every 9/11. Read more →

The urgency, the timing, and the history messages us that this isn’t going to be good news for one of the best educators the University of Minnesota ever had. Read more →
If you’re looking for some easy money, be a search firm.
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A statement from the University of Minnesota today carries a disturbing piece of information about the actions of the local news media. Read more →

I’m not embarrassed by Teague because he brought shame to a university I embrace, or a state I love. I’m embarrassed because I’m a man.
Aren’t you? Read more →
Reading through the texts that recently “resigned” University of Minnesota athletics director Teague sent to a woman at a university event revealed that despite what he said when reading a statement last Friday morning, alcohol isn’t his main problem — character is.
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That there’s at least a little expression of shame surrounding the University of Minnesota athletics department today can be described like this: ‘It’s a good start.’
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A University of Minnesota professor is among those considering what will happen when we cede control over the car to a robot. If actually steering the car is one cure for motion sickness, what happens when cars no longer need to be steered? Read more →
Privacy rules are requiring the public to try to piece together the shards of information stemming from an alleged rape in a University of Minnesota dorm last Sunday morning. Read more →
The University of Minnesota said Wednesday it will no longer provide general descriptions of those responsible for crime on campus.
In so doing, the U of M adopts a standard used by many news organizations which, at least by policy, don’t provide the race of suspects unless it actually provides some distinctive information. Read more →