When a big, national event rolls into town — a national political convention, for example — a host committee will almost always have a party for the thousands of representatives of the media beforehand. They’re an ‘ethical disaster’ some journalists say.
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MPR News Reflections and observations on the news
Tag: Super Bowl LII
OK, one last video from Deadspin’s visit to Minnesota for the Super Bowl. It contains the ultimate slam against our great state, referring to the Mall of America as ‘Minnesota’s chief cultural institution.’
That one left a mark.
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Really, is there anything more we wanted out of the Super Bowl than this tweet from a Sports Illustrated icon? Read more →

We enjoyed our week in the the national spotlight and somehow we’ll find a way to carry on as we slip back into flyover country status.
But the post-Super Bowl strategy by business leaders and politicians is worth keeping a close eye on. Read more →

Ryan McKenna’s team lost the Super Bowl but he got 36 Snapchats, 21 DMs, and 150 follower requests so it’s all good. Read more →
They appeared to be sober, so they didn’t get the experience exactly Minnesotan. Read more →

Normally, that’s a runway at St. Paul’s Downtown Airport. Now, it’s a parking ramp for big money.
Two of the airports three runways have been closed so that there will be a place to put the corporate jets making their way to the Twin Cities. Read more →

A glance around the ‘news’ coverage of the Super Bowl shows the National Football League has done it again. It’s convinced the skeptical world of journalism to fall head over heels over the celebrities who latch onto the Super Bowl, and the theater surrounding the “big game.” It’s hard to tell where the public relations arm of the NFL ends and journalism begins when a Super Bowl comes to town. The league’s ability to tamp down a discouraging word is how the NFL has become a billion-dollar non-profit organization.
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Laura McCallum, MPR’s managing editor for daily news, is one of the 10,000 people volunteering during Super Bowl week. She’s been documenting her experience on NewsCut. Check out part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4. I’m done! I finished my third and final volunteer shift from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. as a Read more →
The arrival of the New England Patriots and the Philadelphia Eagles at MSP this week wasn’t exactly the Beatles of 1964. Or the Minnesota Lynx 2011. Read more →

Super Bowl, Shmooper Bowl. Let’s face it: We just want to hear the national media tell us about ourselves. How do you like us? Are we nice or what? Aren’t we something about the way we live in this cold place and don’t get fazed by eight inches of snow and our kids being stuck on school buses until midnight? Read more →

The chances are pretty good that you’re going to skip work next Monday, the day after the Super Bowl in Minneapolis. The flu outbreak is good for something; it gives us a believable excuse.
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Laura McCallum, MPR’s managing editor for daily news, is one of the 10,000 people volunteering during Super Bowl week. She’s documenting her experience on NewsCut. Check out part 1, part 2 and part 3. I know you’ve all been wondering (and many of you have been asking) if I got bathroom cleaning duty again. Nope! Read more →

Laura McCallum, MPR’s managing editor for daily news, is one of the 10,000 people volunteering during Super Bowl week. She’ll be documenting her experience on NewsCut. Check out part 1 and part 2. Finally, more than five months after I interviewed to be one of the 10,000 Crew 52 Super Bowl volunteers it was time Read more →

Without a hint of irony, the Star Tribune today pegged the economic impact of the Minneapolis Super Bowl in 2018 between $80 million and $500 million. There’s no indication whether the calculation includes the impact of being portrayed as a winter hell hole between now and then.
Let’s step back a little bit, America. The NFL’s warm-weather choices haven’t been without problems. Read more →